Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rate A Cop!

As a kind of follow up to my Thoughts on the Police post from February 17, I decided to post this information.

It seems there’s a website that’s getting a lot of flack from quite a few police departments and organizations. This article explains what’s going on. It seems someone has come up with a web site that allows you, the masters of this country to rate the service you get from your servants, the police. It seems that the police doesn’t want that to happen,

The site is RateMyCop.com. Now, it may just be a coincidence that when I went out to view the site, it was “currently unavailable.”

The reporter said that, “The First Amendment would be the site’s protection.” Well we already know how that’s going to turn out, now don’t we?

Meanwhile, back in Utah, the incident that had politicians calling for hiding any documentation of police misconduct from the public garnered the man that was tasered by the police officer $40K despite the fact that the cop was cleared of any wrongdoing.


You may have noticed that the archive section over there on the left has changed. I got a question, which I interpreted as a request, to make life easier to access the older posts. A new reader wanted to start at the beginning post and read all six months worth of belly-aching in order. But it was hard under the former system to do that. This system will allow for starting and stopping a little easier.

As a former QA guy, I try to take care of my customers! :-) But I don’t know if I’ll write the book that she wants….

I am wondering though, is there any reason why I should allow the search engines to crawl all over my blog? As we approach 2,000 views, not counting mine anymore, I get a lot of hits for things like curamin, hydrocodone, hunting stories, and all sorts of things. Just wondering.


Are the new hours of daylight bothering anybody else? For some reason, it really seems to throw me off. Then again, I don’t have a schedule to keep while the rest of you do. Sorry!


I slept in today until almost noon, got up, got dressed and went out to check the mail. While I was out, I drained the big puddle that was forming on the sidewalk, and removed some ice from the drive so the water could drain. Had I more energy, I would have removed all the ice, but I ended up in the back of the vehicle several times trying to catch my breath.

And my back needed some support. After I came in, I slept for an hour or two just to catch up. I really do like valerian root!

I apologize if I have given the wrong impression about what ails me. Sunni gave some great suggestions to help calm an upset tummy, but that isn’t really the issue.

There have been comments about my ability to watch the depictions of autopsies on TV while I eat my meals. I even continued to eat tonight while Himmy was “blapping” his cookies on one of the chairs in my office. He got down, wandered around for a while and is now in the other chair in the office! Who said cats are stupid?

That type of thing doesn’t bother me.

Remember back when I got started on the chemo and I commented on the “hiccups and palpitations?” What I’m experiencing now is just an extension of that, I believe. The Blob, my own personal tumor, is just at the top of the stomach. The cancer is in the lower esophageal wall, which also contains the muscles that control the lower esophageal sphincter. That is the area that was getting hit by the radiation up until two weeks ago tomorrow.

Like an open wound, the area can be very sensitive. Most of the time it does just fine, but there are times when if I don’t treat it right, it wants to let me know in no uncertain terms that I did something wrong. That’s what happened ‘that day that shall live in infamy;’ can it have just been yesterday?

Apparently, my timing with my pain meds and the ingestion of my meds in pill form wasn’t right. The pills irritated the Gastro-Esophageal Juncture and it tried to rid itself of the offending substances. It will be a long time before I forget that spasm of my stomach.

So, I take my pain meds first. A bit later I take my pill meds. I try to drink something, something warm preferably, for a while before taking any pills. Then I eat something soft. I hate to say it but the Tuna Helper seemed to work just fine and it actually tasted pretty good.

While I’m just a snorkeler, my son is into SCUBA diving. We usually run down to Florida and hit the water for some fun. I’ll paddle around on the surface while my son plays 40 feet below me! It was during one of these dives that I got to see my first baracuda —“Ba-ba , ra-ra, cu-cu, da-da!” You may have to be as old as I am to remember that little radio ditty—so thanks to him, I got to watch my first baracuda as it circled us from about 30 feet way.

Anyway, my daughter got her brother some dive magazine subscriptions for Christmas this past year. We read them at the kitchen table. There was recently an article about “mal de mer” otherwise known as seasickness. It was an interesting article although I have never experienced it. But it’s the kind of thing that someone going on any cruise needs to know, diving or otherwise.

Sunni recommended a sugared soft drink and ginger, as in ginger ale. Both were mentioned in the article. It’s kind of funny because I’m a big fan of non-alcoholic ginger beer. I think I got my son started on it as well. He likes the Jamaican style, while I like the more mellow style, like Stewarts’s Ginger Beer.

My problem is that ginger augments the effects of the rat poison I take. As a result of Monday’s tests, I have to reduce the amount of Warfarin that I’m taking for the next couple of weeks because my INR is too high, again. I was surprised at how much blood was on the gauze after they removed the needle from my port.

However, I have been drinking A&W Root Beer ever since I found out that candida albicans needed an alkaline environment to survive. And I was having a problem with thrush for a while early in my chemotherapy.

So, again, I apologize if my choice of words, or the way I represent my problems might cause some misunderstanding. I blame it on my chemobrain.

I was engaged in a “discussion” in another venue when my partner disagreed with my choice of words. He had a different connotation than the one I was using for the word I used.

To try and make my big point and not get hung up on hair-splitting connotations, I conceded the word choice and tried to continue to make my larger point. He then proceeded to make a big deal out of my “error” in words and started to make fun of my error. And this is from a guy who knows about my “condition.” Imagine what someone who doesn't know would do to me!

So, I guess I’ll have to restrict my discussions to my blog where everyone knows that my brain is fried right now, but I’m hoping that it will start functioning again after all the toxic chemo and radiation effects have been chelated from my body.

But, again, I apologize if I sometimes might not make sense, or don’t use the right word, or give a false impression.

Four pages! For someone who can’t communicate his thoughts well, someone who can’t pick the right words, I guess I try to make up for it in volume. ;-)

Kunolunkwa, y te quireo!


Anonymous said...

"So, I guess I’ll have to restrict my discussions to my blog where everyone knows that my brain is fried right now, but I’m hoping that it will start functioning again after all the toxic chemo and radiation effects have been chelated from my body."

I'm sorry to hear this. It's the other site that loses. :-( However, I understand.

-HB said...

Well, you know, Swanson put his finger on the point, and I've been ignoring it for some time. Someone who is nice to you but rude to the waiter ISN'T a nice person. Then the question becomes, do I only deal with nice people?

I'd like to, I really would.

I recently read Isaiah's Job by Albert Jay Nock, http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig3/nock3b.html. I think it was the first time I'd read anything by Nock. I was struck by the question that came to mind while reading it, "Do I continue to cast pearls before swine, trying to convince government school graduates of simple basic principles when they have no concept what a principle is, or do I try to support the Remnant?"

The "teaching pigs to sing" thing hasn't worked out too well. Maybe it's time that I try something else.

I hope that this means that I can still learn... :-)

Anonymous said...

Amiable brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.