Thursday, March 6, 2008

One Small Step

As you know, I switched from my OTC sleep meds to something more natural, Valerian Root, for help in sleeping. One thing I’ve always liked has been the fact that I can easily overcome the effects of the valerian root to wake up if I need to. Sometimes, with OTC and prescription meds, that’s difficult to do. Unfortunately, that will take some getting used to.

I awoke this AM at 3:00, trudged off to the little boy’s room, and went back to bed. Unfortunately, I didn’t get back to sleep until 4:00AM with the alarm set for 6:00!! So, I was kinda tired today.

I got up and showered for my appointment at work to have my blood drawn for our new “wellness program.” It took less time than I thought to get ready, so I trundled off to one of the stores that was open that early to pick up a few things I needed, including more Ensure.

Now, I didn’t walk all that far, but it sure tired me out. And the cold weather didn’t help.

I made it to work—now there’s something strange to say—almost ½ hour early. I figured that I’d sit somewhere until my appointment time, but they were able to get me started right away.

BTW, let’s talk politics for a little bit.

[rant on] I had to fill out a questionnaire for someone, insurance company, hospital wellness program, someone! Without it, I couldn’t get my blood drawn. There were questions that I didn’t answer or answered the way I wanted, not according to the reality of the situation.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the “health” professionals are getting pretty inquisitive about things that are none of their business. Couple that with the fact that the doctor/patient confidentiality is long a thing of the past, and you have a possibility of giving up your rights.

You have the right, confirmed by the Bill of Rights, to not incriminate yourself. But if you tell your doctor something that the government has made a crime, and your doctor tells the government, you could go to jail!

Take for example the Second Amendment, you have the right to keep and bear arms with no governmental infringement. The whole purpose of the Second Amendment was to protect your right to defend yourself from the government!

So the government says that people who are depressed, or who have been depressed, are a danger to themselves and to others so they can be denied their right to keep and carry. Remember the lady in Ohio who was strip searched by male and female officers because she answered the question if she were depressed, “You mean now or sometime in the past?”

The government is trying to apply the fact that our returning soldiers may have had episodes of depression to deny them their right to KABA (keep and bear arms).

So, a seemingly innocuous question on a “wellness” questionnaire asking if you are or ever have been depressed can have far-reaching implications. “So tell me, Ben, did you or did you not say on the Bellin Wellness questionnaire you filled out on March 6, 2008 say that you had been depressed? See, your Honor, Mr. Ben admits that he had been depressed, off with his head! I mean, take his weapons away.”

PAY ATTENTION! [rant off]

It was interesting because no one seemed to recognize me. Guys that I’ve worked with for years wouldn’t even look at me. I’d say “hi” and the most I got in return was a “hi?” I can’t blame them, though. I don’t look anything like they last saw me.

I did have one woman say “hi” to me who sounded like she knew me, but I didn’t even know her!!

Even the HR person, Barb, had to ask if I were there and had the vampires, I mean the phlebotomists, point me out. :-)

I didn’t have to do any exercises, though. I wouldn’t have been able to. The whole getting weighed, measured, and drained of blood—BTW that was the most painful antecubital venipuncture that I’ve ever had—was tiring enough all by itself. I was going to stop at another store, but decided it would have to wait for another day.

On the way home, since I was so close, I stopped at a Wendy’s for breakfast. They’ve started serving breakfast while I’ve been sick so I thought I’d try their biscuits and gravy (B&G). I’ve told you before about my search for good B&G. I think I’ve found a good fast food version.

I took it home, but didn’t get around to eating it right away. I’d had an Ensure before I left work—boy does that sound strange—so I wasn’t terribly hungry. Even after heating it in the microwave, it still tasted pretty good. I would recommend that you try it if you like B&G. Now they need to put up a Wendy’s closer to me.

Maybe my taste buds are coming back, I hope, I hope, I hope!!

So here I was, at home and feeling really whipped, so I put my groceries away and headed off to bed just to rest.

My son recently got me started watching TV programs on line. I get to watch episodes of NCIS that haven’t made it to DVD yet. When I ran out of them I tried the CSI series, the original, Miami, and New York. They are mildly interesting. It’s interesting how they treat the same subject on different shows. Miami is pretty much a farce, all flash, not much to think about. Las Vegas is a little better, while New York is the best of the bunch.

After I ran out of those episodes, I started to watch Jericho from the very first episode. Now this is an interesting show. I’m waiting to see how it progresses.

Anyway, I watched “TV” until Ben got up, got ready for and left for work. I watched maybe one more episode and decided to try a nap. I needed it. It was then that the phone rang.

One of my favorite nurses, Nurse Diane, the recent transfer from medical oncology to radiation oncology gave me a call to see how I was doing. After our conversation she told me to keep in touch. She is one of the nurses who cares about the person and not just the patient. I like her.

Thinking about it, she reminds me of my grandmother who died at the ripe old age of 58 back in ’62. At least as much as a boy of 11 can remember his grandma. Nurse Diane fits the body type but doesn’t have the mustache. And is just a few years younger than I, according to her.

So I took the computer out to the recliner and figured that I’d watch some more to stay awake, then go to bed early. Himmy jumped up on the chair on the other side of the end table, walked across all the remotes lying on the tabletop, and plopped himself down between me and the computer. I mentioned that this is a laptop computer, right? I don’t have that much lap! But we worked it out.

I took a small step today that I mentioned in the title. I moved the computer out of the bedroom and reinstalled it back in my “office” after my stint riding the recliner. No more waking up early and jumping on the computer right away without even hitting the head. If I want to play on the computer, I have to get up, get dressed somewhat, and sit in a straight up chair. No more lying in bed and playing on the Internet. Bed is for sleeping.

So, it’s interesting getting used to my ergonomic keyboard again after learning to type on my flat laptop keyboard. And the keys are in different places. No wonder I had such problems typing on the laptop.

And right now, I’m listening to my music on a good set of external speakers.

But I’ll clear all the paperwork and stuff out of the bedroom and turn it back into just a bedroom. Then I need to clean up the “office” and get it livable.

Kunolunkwa, y te quiero!

Here’s a new link for you, NUREMBERG II.


Anonymous said...

You sound very upbeat tonight. This puts a smile on my face as I head off to bed. :-)

Warren Bluhm said...

You do sound better. This puts a smile on my face as I head off to work - and that's an accomplishment! 8-)

-HB said...

Well I’m glad I could put smiles on your faces. As you know, I like to see smiles on people’s faces, and it’s nice to know that I put them there. Especially just before heading off to work!

As I mentioned, I’m altogether too close to my problems, and it’s sometimes hard to tell where I am and how I feel. It’d be nice if I could take a step back to review, but I think that’s kinda hard to do.