Monday, February 18, 2008

No Chemo Today!

Although I had radiation therapy today, I wasn’t administered chemotherapy today. My blood work was too far off the charts for the clinic to be able to sell me another treatment.

Now, it doesn’t surprise me. Carboplatin, one of my current anti-cancer drugs, causes bone marrow suppression. That means that my bone marrow isn’t making the necessary blood cells for me to fight off infection and the like effectively. Now, the low point in this suppression occurs 21 – 28 days after starting use of the drug. Guess what day today is.

Let’s see, looking back in my diary/blog I find that I started chemo on the 21rst of January. So, last week’s chemo, the one I didn’t figure that I’d get from the dosing schedule from my online investigations, was 21 days. I figured three weeks of treatment, and one week off to allow the body to recover. But the clinic went ahead with four weeks of treatment, the last week’s dose slightly reduced due to the fact that my blood work was already starting to reflect what was happening within my bones. So they had to take this week’s treatment off. That’s 28 days.

The good news is that this should be as bad as it gets. I know that you’ll forgive me if I don’t get too terribly excited.

Kunolunkwa, y te quiero!

"As a juror, I will exercise my 1000-year-old duty to arrive at a verdict, not just on the basis of the facts of a particular case, or instructions I am given, but through my power to reason, my knowledge of the Bill of Rights, and my individual conscience. When needful, I will judge the law itself." -L. Neil Smith


Anonymous said...

My friend's mother-in-law is having the same bone marrow issues right now. I believe she's had many more treatments than you so her marrow has been quite suppressed. They're trying to find a different anti-cancer drug for her at this point.

-HB said...

I don't know what kind of cancer your friend's MIL has, but that is very possible. It amazes me that the allopaths, conventional doctors, will reduce your body's ability to defend itself just so they can sell you their drugs.

One old treatment that fell into some disfavor is neutrophil transfusions. Neutrophils are the blood component that actually goes out and kill viruses and cancer cells. Thankfully it's coming back into some favor. And those $7000 shots with Neulasta help stimulate the growth of neutrophils.

And, although it might just be wishful thinking, I did seem a bit stronger today. I hope, I hope, I hope!!!