Saturday, November 10, 2007

No More Pain!

Or, at least, no more pain meds. Stopped by my personal physician’s office for a follow up to my pain issues. Since the meds he had ordered didn’t seem to work and since my cancer pain has dropped to a tolerable level, we discontinued the pain meds altogether.

That’s not to say that I am without pain. My joint pain has been increasing lately and the pain meds didn’t seem to help that pain at all. And taking down the tree yesterday hasn’t helped at all.

So, I will be using the natural anti-inflammatory turmeric to help control my joint pain.

My doctor informed me that he will be attending a conference in Chicago in December on complimentary medicines, i.e. using naturally occurring anti-inflammatories for pain reduction. They are starting to get it!!

I don't have much more to say. I started on a long-winded rant about the Jehovah's Witnesses who decided that my No Soliciting signs don't apply to them, but I decided not to bore you.

You're Welcome!

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