Thursday, November 8, 2007

Look! Today is Thursday!

The scintillating titles continue.

I was up three pounds this AM. Not too terrible. Might have had something to do with the Papa John’s pizza I had last night. It wasn’t too bad. Maybe my taste buds are back. The crumb cake I bought this afternoon was pretty good as well.

I only got five hours of sleep last night. By 10:00AM I was already taking a nap! I’d like to know what the problem is.

But I did get the lawn mowed, did edging on the sidewalk, and even leaf-blowed the sidewalks. That should take care of things until spring. I hope.

I even did the dishes. Now, in all fairness, these are dishes I used and left on the counter to clean. Ben has been doing his own dishes, pretty much as he generates dirty ones. So, don’t get the idea that Ben leaves them for me to do. Just wanted to clarify that.

Tomorrow, I’d like to remove that small tree at the northeast corner of the house. It’s between one huge tree and the house, so it leans over the house to try and get to the sun. Along the way, its branches interfere with the power and cable lines. It’s going down!!! Hopefully, tomorrow after my doctor’s appointment.

Yup! I see my personal physician for the third time tomorrow. We get to talk pain meds. I haven’t a clue what’s going to happen.

I finished Season 2 of NCIS tonight. It ended badly as I suspected. One of the characters didn’t return for Season 3, so I figured it might influence the plot. It did. So, Season 3 starts off with a bang, playing on the Season 2 finale. Pretty good stuff! I hope I don’t start regretting not having a TV.

Well, “without further eloquence,” I’m off to bed.

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