I was 189 this AM; I’m starting to feel like a little piggie. I think that some of my weight gain is water retention; my legs feel somewhat swollen. Then again, maybe it’s that time of the month.
I mowed the lawn today. My goal is to get the lawn as short as possible before the leaves start to fall. That way, the wind will blow the leaves off my lawn and onto the neighbor’s lawn. Since the “neighbor” is the local hospital, their yard crew can mow the leaves into a mulch, for all I care. I won’t have to rake too much at all, then.
We had a scare today. We couldn’t find Himmy! We searched the house high and low; no Himmy.
Since I’d been in and out throughout the day, I thought that maybe I’d let him get out somehow. I was sick!
Ben was looking all over the back yard, going along the hedgerows searching for his cat. Since I needed to pick up some Humpty Dumpty eggs which the local gas station sells, I walked over, got my eggs, and asked if they had seen a cat. They mentioned there was a black one, dead in the road, near the Men’s Mall. But Himmy isn’t black, I thought.
But, with a sinking feeling in my stomach—maybe that was there all along, now that I think about it—I walked over to check out the corpse. Thank God it wasn’t Himmy. So where was Himmy!!
Now, it’s possible that he got caught in one of the rooms upstairs. Although we searched every room, we left the doors open in case he was well hidden and locked in.
But I still felt that he was down stairs.
I was looking everywhere downstairs for the umpteenth time. I got to three empty boxes, stacked one atop the other, when I noticed something amiss with the bottom box. Now you have to understand, this box was only about six inches wider than the two boxes stacked on top of it. But, apparently, it was wide enough. Himmy was hiding (sleeping) inside the bottom box and all I caught was just a glimpse of his cheek.
What a relief to find him! I thought that I’d done something wrong and he’d gotten away.
Finally, Cuz asked about my pillboxes so I thought I’d elaborate.
I now have two types of pillboxes. The first I’ve had for some time; a weeks worth of compartments, Sunday through Saturday with an AM and a PM compartment for each day; for a total of 14 compartments.
The second is a simple one compartment for each day of the week type of box. However, I’ve set it up for my doses during the day. I put a label on each compartment for the hour of the dose. They are numbered, in order, 10AM, 2PM, 6PM, 10PM, 2AM, and 6AM. The seventh compartment is a blank label.
I figure that I’ll load the hourly pillbox sometime between 6AM and 10AM with my PC and the contents of the weekly pillbox. I put my PC in each compartment and my Protonix and blood pressure meds from the weekly pillbox into the 6AM and 6PM compartments of the hourly pillbox.
I did take a photo of the two boxes, the weekly

Since it’s not yet 10PM, the rest of the compartments are closed. Now, I don’t normally leave the compartments open after I take the pills. That was just for this photo opportunity.
Does this make my process a little clearer?
Is it necessary for you to post everyday? Certainly not but I enjoy it when you do. :-)
Thanks I like to see all those little details.
As far as the daily posts go, we look forward to reading you everyday, even though I don't have a chance to reply daily.
Am I the only one who has to type those stupid letters twice before the blog will post me. *grrrrr*
I think I turned that feature off. It's function is to block "comment spam." Since I will be getting notification of all comments anyway, I should be able to delete any comment spam that shows up.
So, if you have any more problems, let me know. And, if you notice some comments that are offensive, I haven't gotten to the delete button fast enough.
Errr I was just looking for someone with the same frustration. You shouldn't change it just on my account.
I understand cat panic. We have a black cat, Jasper. Well one day we were coming home and just 3 houses away from our house there was a dead black cat at the side of the road. Our hearts sunk and we got lumps in the back of our throats. We parked the truck and started calling for Jasper as soon as we got to our yard. He normally comes running as soon as we come home so he can come in and get fed. No Jasper. We went into the house still calling his name over and over, but no Jasper appeared. I was just about to break down when I saw him sleeping in a reed basket beside my chair. I started crying because I was so relieved and he was showered with his special milk.
I have enjoyed (?) the same frustrations myself, although not on my own blog. Besides, I would think that if you are using your Blogger ID, you shouldn't have to use the verification feature.
In any case, your sister has contacted me stating that she lost (?) a comment over the weekend. I don't know what happened, but it may be something similar to your frustration.
So, I changed it. Not a big deal, for now. I can always change it back! So relax, enjoy, and don't worry about it, mi hermana!
BTW, I just finished the last of the M&Ms. :-D
"...Showered with his special milk."
Huh? You know cats hate to get wet, right? And even if they don't mind licking the milk off, I still think that it wasn't very nice to "shower" your cat with milk.
But I'm glad to hear that Jasper is OK as well.
I understand "cat Panic" all too well! We have two cats, one looks just like a tiny bobcat and thinks she is one. She lives to sneak out. The other cat is a babyish little cuddler who has no real desire to go out, except on the leash with "mama", but loves the other feline and would follow her out. I cannot tell how many times I have sent Ken looking under beds and couches with his flashlight because I cannot find them. I would swear that they conspire with each other and say " let's hide so Daddy will stomp around, say those funny words, shine lights about and then say, 'there you are, you little %&*#!@+^!!'.
Truth to tell, "Daddy" is not really mad.
There is a financial aspect to this as well. We live in a pet-friendly building, where dogs live as well. The last time our little bobcat got out, she stepped in something and caught some kind of parasite and intestinal infection. the vet bill was over $300.! Yikes! We are lucky that we have a vet that allows us to pay on time.
I am so glad that Mouse is responding to you, Hal. I should loan you our little cuddler.
there is a fully grown male that looks just like June in the last apartment, only more muscular and taller. He is so cuddly!! Just today the young lady asked us if we wanted another cat! I must admit, despite my previous words,, I did think of you!
By the way, our bobcat just slipped out the patio door. She willl come to me usually because she knows that I cannot run after her.
Must go help with the rescue! Cost efficiency, you know.
All mine, KMMK
When I got up this AM and went into th ekitchen, Mousebane was up on the table, waiting for ME!! And several times today Mousebane looked me up and wanted to cuddle. he was even running up and down the hall teasing me to chase him. He's os cute. I hope Ben doesn't get jealous!
I was in the basement doing laundry when I heard a strange sound behind me. I turned around and couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. When I turned back, I heard the sound again. I looked around, watching everything close, 'cause the sound was close, and spotted the flaps of the box from Sunday moving slightly.
Yup, Himmy was sleeping in the box, under the flaps, and was roused when I came down to do laundry. Funny, funny cat!
Himmy left a calling card in the living room, behind the couch, (not his fault, he can't help it!) and I had Ben handle the present. I'm staying as far away from feces as I can.
Right now, I think that the financial considerations play into my decision not to get a couple of friends, as well as the medical considerations.
Not to "beat a dead horse," so to speak, but re: your last comment, Dad... You know darn well, that if you decided you wanted a pet to be your buddy during this difficult time, financial considerations wouldn't matter 'cause Ben and I would make it happen ;-)! I know, I know, fiercely independent HBM wouldn't ever think to ask for help, but we'd make it a gift... So, let me know if you change your mind ;-). I am glad Ben is there with his critters. I know I've mentioned to you the tons of research that's been done on animal companions and increased longevity and quality of life.... They are good to have around! ... even if they knock over garbage cans.
The purchase of a pet isn't the only consideration. And I follow the rules, many times to my detriment, too much to minimize the ongoing care costs a pet needs. Just look at your and Ben's vet bills. I'm proud as heck that you guys love your animals enough to spend that kind of money on them. I'm not in that situation right now.
And maybe when I'm all cured and stuff, I'll see about getting another pet. But for right now, with my immunity lowered, I can't take care of a pet without risk. Ben takes care of the pets that are here now.
But I appreciate your desire to see me happy with a little buddy; I really do!
Thank you!
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