Tuesday, September 11, 2007

After Action Report

I suppose that I really should say something tonight. The lack of sleep the last couple of nights is catching up with me, as well as initial side-effects, I'm guessing.

I got home about 4:00 PM. Nancy had called while I was on my way home, so she and I talked for a while before she had to run off to her doctor. Then Ben called for a SitRep. Then I sat down for a quick nap that ran longer than I thought it would.

According to my latest oncologist, I've seen three so far, surgery is off the table. So, if you were planning to come to the party at my place, I guess I won't be out-of-town that date! And what is even stranger, it sounds like radiation therapy is back on the table!

Of course, this guy started out telling me that he was only going to administer one chemical. After talking with me, he bumps that up to two chemicals. And when he leaves to add that chemical to the orders, he comes back to tell me that he will add the third chemical to the mix; the chemical that requires me to wear a pump for five days. However, this first time around, I'll only have it for four days; Tuesday through Friday. I get only 2 mLs per hour from this bad boy!

These are the drugs being used to treat my cancer; Docetaxel, Cisplatin, and Fluorouracil. That last bad boy there is the guy that's being administered here at home via the Curlin Medical 4000 CMS. There were several more drugs administered IV which I don't have info on to try to prevent nausea . I did have to pick one up at their pharmacy for the same purpose called Aprepitant. I sure hope they work because I haven't vomited since maybe grade-school and am not looking forward to trying to push stomach contents up through a stomach tumor.

My doctor du jour got on my good side right away when I explained my problems with eating by using this morning's example: solid food sandwich gave problems so I resorted to ice cream and cookies. His response was a laugh and this comment, "Ice cream can be your best friend now!" I bring this up because of the good natured teasing I've been getting from my daughter concerning my food choices lately.

I also had a Nutrition Services consult while undergoing chemo. For folks in my condition, they recommend High Calorie and High Protein Beverages and Shakes, heavy on the milk, yogurt, ice cream, and tofu. Some of these are similar to potions I have used in the past so I will be trying some of them.

My first real challenge to overcome is one of the first side-effects to crop up, dry mouth. Despite all the liquids they were pumping into me today my body has lost the ability to make saliva. I've tried the hard candies, both regular and sugar-free and they don't seem to help. They just gum up the mouth, and I still have to drink water to be able to swallow. Any suggestions?

I have a hearing test scheduled for tomorrow. When I come back, I plan on mowing the lawn. We'll see how that goes.

Well I have nothing more right now, I'm fading fast. I may remember more after I figure out how to sleep with a needle attached to a tube attached to a pump stuck in me.

Hasta manana! I'm just going to have to figure out how to get the accents over the letters for my Spanish words. It's driving me crazy to see misspelled words.


Çuzanne Larson Malliett Finnerup said...

What about slippery elm lozenges?

Çuzanne Larson Malliett Finnerup said...

I'm confused as to why surgery is off the table.

Anonymous said...

1 can Ensure
1 pkg Carnation Breakfast Mix
Ice cream to reach desired consistency

This is the shake a friend of ours ate when she needed to gain weight in a nutritious way.