Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Well THAT Was Fun!

I had to go out this AM to take care of some paperwork, so while I was out I started looking for a barstool. Since I’ve gotten into drinking so heavily lately…. No, wait, that’s a different story.

I was talking with Ben yesterday, or last night, I don’t remember, and somehow we got on the subject of a barstool. I’m supposed to keep the weight off my left hip and I still want to get the dishes done and the like, so why not work from a barstool?

BTW, I got the X-ray results back from my PCP. The conclusion was that it was an “Unremarkable x-rays of the left hip.” OK, now I’m confused.

Anyway, while I was out I stopped at St. Vincent’s, Goodwill, and Wal Mart looking for a barstool and found nothing worth mentioning. I checked out The Men’s Mall and found a good stool, padded, made in Tennessee, for less than $13. I bought it, brought it home and started using it in the kitchen. Not only did I get my dishes done, but I also got most of the counter top clean, and especially the sink area. That stainless steel really needs the attention or it looks like crap!

So, do you think I’m felling better? If it weren’t for the hip, I’d be getting a lot more done. Tomorrow, I’ll get the rest of the counter tops and the stovetop done!!! Now THAT will take some effort! BTW, I use a product called Greased Lightning. It really seems to work well for me!

I’m just wondering how I’ll get the kitchen floor washed from my barstool. Any ideas?

While I was out, I found that the prices for some things are cheaper at TMM than they are at WM! So I picked up 4 small Corelle bowls. I’ve wanted some “rice bowls” for a long time now. I got used to them when an old girlfriend gave me a set. She was younger then. So was I!

Anyway, I figured now was the time to get them. I know, I know; I’ve been trying to get rid of things and actually discourage folks from getting me “things.” I’m already sorting through what I have so the kids won’t have to at some later point in time, down the road. But I just couldn’t resist. And they were cheaper than at Wal Mart! How’s that for justification?

I found out today that I can actually drop off to sleep, in the middle of the day, sitting upright in a kitchen chair and start dreaming right then and there! Aren’t drugs wonderful?

You’re not going to believe this, but the stink I made at the ABCMC on Tuesday morning about my imagery and records actually resulted in getting a CD of PET scans from 12/14 and 3/21 in the mail today. Are you shocked? Don’t be.

The first two PET Scans came to me on two different CDs for a reason; there are too many files to fit two scans on one CD. So when I received one CD today, I knew something was up. And I was right. The files that I wanted from the last scan on the 21rst weren’t there. There just wasn’t enough room on the CD. Did you miss that? The very important files that I wanted to peruse to understand what’s going on with me a little better weren’t there.

Do you know what I would call any company that provided me with service like this in the private sector? A former supplier.

I’ll have to see if I can’t get things straightened out tomorrow.

Well, it’s off to take some more drugs!! Kunolunkwa, y te quiero!


Çuzanne Larson Malliett Finnerup said...

Who is TMM?

-HB said...

Sorry! "The Men's Mall" otherwise known to folks here in Green Bay as Mill's Fleet Farm.