Monday, March 31, 2008

No Wonder I Hurt

I forgot to take my pain meds today. Oh, I took the AM meds, but have been too busy to think about pain; so I just block it out. Later, when it really starts to act up, I mentally review the possible causes and, DUH, I forgot two doses of meds. There are days when I think that I need a keeper.


What kind of system is it, when a customer, in pain, has to traipse around to 4 different departments around town just to get releases signed so his medical records can be transmitted to another facility for a second opinion? Certainly not one-stop-shopping here.

Things just weren’t working over the phone so it was back to looking for a hero, again. Some system! But I did find a hero, even if she may have been reluctantly drafted into helping. Bless people who have a desire to help their fellow man! Or, to put another way, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy."

I tried to get my medical records released to H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center today so I can drive down and get a second opinion. My insurance company actually likes the idea of the second opinion, and I’m wondering why that makes me nervous. But they’re willing to pay to pay for some mileage, per diems for food and lodging, etc. So why not? And if I can catch some rays on the beach, I mean to generate some Vitamin D through the exposure of my pasty white skin to the sun, again, why not? Medical expenses, right?


So, I’ve talked to my insurance company, the current local Clinic, and the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center. I think I have things squared away. Now, I have to see if I can get some vacation time from my company! You may think that's funny; I'm not so sure.


I have still been running a slight fever. I’m sure it has something to do with the cancer, probably the stuff in the liver. Don’t know for sure.

And using crutches in the rain is a royal pain in the groin, or maybe it’s the hip. That joint or the tendons right there anyway. I still need to find a diagram of that joint so I can determine exactly where the pain is coming from.

BTW, how are the PET Scans working for you guys? I know what it is I’m working on, so I can see what’s there. But you might not be able to. I do have a couple of options for attempting some changes if anyone needs a better view. Let me know.

I’m off to do dishes, wait for Ben to get home, and then it’s off to bed again. Get up, go to bed. Get up, go to bed. There should be more to life than that! :-)

Kunolunkwa, y te quiero!

1 comment:

Çuzanne Larson Malliett Finnerup said...

The two scans in the middle have the best resolution, I think.