Saturday, March 22, 2008

Good Saturday!

I’m tired again. But my hip joint isn’t hurting as much.

I slept late this morning; got up around 10:00. I was tired, so I went back to bed, which is kinda unusual for me, after Ben went off to work. I slept until around 6:00PM.

You don’t realize how much you use your hip joint until you injure it. Just to turn over in bed requires use of the joint. Using the joint causes pain, and pain causes an awakening from sleep. A return to sleep doesn’t occur instantaneously. So, too much of that and you don’t get much sleep at all.

However, being awake also means wanting to do things and 'doing things' exacerbates the inflamed joint tendons. Not a plan. So I figured I’d sleep.

When I awakened at 6:00 I wondered how I was ever going to get back to sleep tonight. But since I am already tired, I guess I won’t have any problems. It’s funny how that works.

Not much to say tonight ‘cause I wasn’t up much today to do anything.

So, Kunolunkwa, y te quiero!

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