Saturday, March 22, 2008

And TWO March 22 Birthdays!

Happy Birthday guys!

One of the birthdays belongs to someone in my family, someone very near and dear to me. And the other birthday belongs to a friend who read this blog.

So you can see how hard it woud be for me to forget my friends birthday. All that has to happen is that it get mentioned once, I document it somewhere, and it's mine, Mine, MINE forever more! Until I lose my memory, which has happened. :-) But the memory link is there!

Now, I know, I know, I'll see it when you visit my blog, so there's no need to respond. You know how I am about privacy, and so I won't put names to dates and verse vice-a! :-)

Just let it be said that I remembered, and wished you both the Happiest of Birthdays during this, the early days of a new spring!

Happy Birthday!

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