Heinlein said something to the effect that a pessimist is right more often than not. And, I believe when he is wrong, it’s usually a pleasant surprise.
I’ve always been a pessimist. First, I like being right. Besides, as Heinlein says, “…a pilot [or a QA Manager –HB] who isn’t a pessimist isn’t worth a hoot!” So, it’s a professional hazard.
But I do hate “sounding” like a pessimist.
Now, I could have predicted this one. My INR (International Normalized Ratio) is “way off the charts!” I am in jeopardy of bleeding out just like our little fuzzy friends who get Warfarin used against them for just this purpose. So now I discontinue the Warfarin for this week.
Let’s think about this. First, what haven’t I been doing lately? If you guessed eating, you’d be right. At least not much anyway. So what am I not getting enough of? If you replied “Vitamin K” give yourself a pat on the back. And a gold star! “The prothrombin time can be prolonged as a result of deficiencies in vitamin K, which can be caused by warfarin, malabsorption or lack of intestinal colonization by bacteria (such as in newborns).” Or how about chemo patients who have their intestinal bacteria severely reduced by chemotherapy, as evidenced by lots of flatulence. It can also be caused by not eating, which denies the source of Vitamin K to the body; food.
And, although I have read arguments on both sides, remaining a pessimist would lead me to believe that my supplementation with Omega-3 fish oils would also prolong prothrombin time. Just a guess. I discussed this with my doctor-of -the-day when they put me on the Warfarin.
So, I guess I’ll have to hit them over the head with these issues. Again.
Then again, who listens to the patient?
BTW, today was my fifth chemical, or as they say "medical," oncologist, Dr. D., not counting their Nurse Practioner. I did see him once before for about two minutes when I was in the hospital. They billed my insurance company $177 for those two minutes. Thinking back, it might have been only $80. Still, I wish I could get paid $40 a minute just for asking a couple of questions.
Oh, yeah, I only got 6 hours of sleep last night. That has been happening since I restarted chemotherapy. So, I complained. I NEED chemicals to help me sleep. Dr. D., who reminds me of Himmy, my son’s diabetic, incontinent cat, told me that as an “old man” I don’t need more than 6 hours of sleep. WTF? Nothing was done. They don't even know the sleep meds that were prescribed for me.
As I said, who listens to the patient? Now I know how Heath Ledger died!
I’m going to quit here, tonight, and see if I can’t get some sleep. I’ll be back about 3AM. :- )
"As a juror, I will exercise my 1000-year-old duty to arrive at a verdict, not just on the basis of the facts of a particular case, or instructions I am given, but through my power to reason, my knowledge of the Bill of Rights, and my individual conscience. When needful, I will judge the law itself." -L. Neil Smith
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H. Ben said, "I’m going to quit here, tonight, and see if I can’t get some sleep. I’ll be back about 3AM. :- )"
And you thought I was kidding!
My "Temazepam" didn't kick in until after 10:30PM. And here it is 2:50AM and I'm awake. 4 Frickin' HOURS!!! Aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!
And I don't see how I, as Blog Master, can even change the time of these posts. Besides, Ben's light is still on. He's still awake!
Besides, I ran out to Nettie's site before here. I didn't post but she should have record of me being there.
I'm going to take some melatonin and see if I can't get back to sleep.
They put me on chemicals that cause side effect and then they ignore the side effects, to my discomfort.
There's more that I'd like to say, but now I know young people read my blog, too!
I just received notification that someone posted to a topic I'm following on Nettie's site. That's what time it is!
Looks like all I can do is delete my comment!
Well, it's after 5AM and I'm still not asleep. Looks like the two Melatonin I took are going to take a while to work! And my stomach is empty; it's actually telling me it's hungry. It's not as if too much undigested food is blocking absorption. So, I'm drinking a V-8 Fusion, a mixture of fruit and vegetable juices; gotta raise that Vitamin K level, don't 'cha know.
I actually looked up Temazepam and didn't like what I saw. A "truth serum" that's addictive, with withdrawal symptoms that're worse than the insomnia. Looks like that just got discontinued!
I didn't take any pain meds this AM so the juice is actually causing some discomfort in my stomach right now. Nothing serious, but it is making me aware of its (the unnamed tumor's) displeasure.
And I did post a couple of comments over on Nettie's site, so I am on record for the time I was up.
And to tell you the truth, I don't know that this sleep med is the one I was taking in the hospital. I got out on a Saturday, didn't get my prescription until Monday evening. Started Radiation on Wednesday and chemo the next Monday. So it could have been different, but with the way I felt, it would have been hard for me to tell any differences.
Later today, I'll have to do some investigating. Right now, it's back to trying to fall asleep.
Wow.....you were a busy person during the night!
Actually, unless you post I have no records showing traffic on my forum. Perhaps if I hosted it myself I would, but I use the free version so I don't have all the bells and whistles.
Well, then it's a good thing I posted, otherwise some folks might think this was all a dream of mine. And it is, of course, a nightmare!
In a way, I think it's kinda funny. I lay in bed, so tired, tryinng so hard to sleep, with my brain whirling in circles, so I try to calm my thoughts and do a little self-hypnosis on myself that I can actualy forget the passage of time for a while. I don't know if that counts as sleep, though.
I looked at the clock at 8AM thinking that I should post something about having to get up a 9AM so I can start my day, get my shower in so short little RT Amy doesn't end up with her nose in my smelly armpit whilst positioning me on her table. Bu I thought that I'd just try a litle harder to sleep, and shortly it was 9AM.
But can you imagine saying "OM, mahne padme OM" for that long? :-)
If you remember last week, there was some considerable angst right after chemo. I'm sure that part of this is part of that same angst, but the lack of sleep part is a symptom all unto itself!
I gotta do something. I can see why someone can easily overdose on sleeping pills, wanting to sleep so badly. Do the doctors know about this? Are they even aware what his is like?
It's a darn good thing that I don't like pills, never having used them for recreation in my younger days. I prefer to be in control of myself, if you haven't noticed.
BTW, Nettie, you should probably be able to set up a sitemeter for your site. If you can put up sparkling trees, you should be able to place some html code on your page somewhere.
I see Mark has found his bobble-head, but not his manners.
The sparkling Christmas tree was nothing more than uploading a photo. No html on my part at all. I'm not thinking of any area of administration that would allow me to install a site meter. I guess you'll just have to continue to leave me "kyfho was here" posts. :P
Ahhhh....Mark....what can I say? The man is an enigma.
"Ahhhh....Mark....what can I say? The man is an enigma."
Is it bad of me if I can think of a different descriptor that I'd like to use?
Yeah, I guess it is. Sorry!
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