Thursday, November 29, 2007

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3

Nettie had added a couple of links in a comment that would let us view her pictures on Photobucket. Now, I could be having a "senior moment" here, but I haven't been able to access those pics. I don't know how anyone else has fared.

So, I went out to photobucket and actually joined!!!! Just to try and see if that was what was necessary to view the pics. Still nothing! I tried to add the link, directly to my blog, see the photo on the right or rather the lack thereof.

I don't know what's going on.

So, I asked Nettie for copies of the pics and will post them now, if I can even do that this morning!

Now, let's add Kenny, his deer, and Nettie's S-I-L! (That's Sister-In-Law)

And finally, the Future Hunter (with his pants issue). After a few trips out in the woods like that, I'm sure that the pants thing will not be an issue long. It gets cold out there!!

If I'm not too terribly mistaken, the little future hunter is Tommie, right? I seem to recall that lovely smile....

How's it look? OK?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww, there's my babies!

Yes, the Future Hunter with the pants issues would be Thomas.