Friday, November 30, 2007

Pump Removal Tomorrow!

Speaking of cats, guess who just showed up to visit me @ 8:30 in the evening after being absent all day.

I haven’t done a blasted thing all day. I went into the basement once to get my sleeping bag from the dryer. I’ve either been in the recliner watching 8, count ‘em 8, episodes of NCIS Season 3 or in my office chair for the short time I’ve spent in front of the computer. Or in bed.

I’ve had 3 square, OK maybe not square but at least obtuse, meals. Plus ice cream. I’ve hydrated and gargled with my saline rinse. I didn’t even get dressed and go out to get the mail. And I’m still wiped out! That’s how fatigued I really am. Plus, I have a slightly elevated temperature, for me. I usually run a degree cooler than normal. Something to do with another chronic issue.

I still have at least 5 emails in my inbox awaiting my reply, one from last Friday. I’ll try to get to them tomorrow in the AM. I apologize, but I hope you’ll consider the circumstances.

It's 9:00PM and I think I'm going to call it a night!

Did I mention I get the pump removed tomorrow? And no one still wants to respond to my curing all those cancer patients back in Proof of Efficacy?

Sweet dreams, all!

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