Monday, November 26, 2007

All I Want For Christmas….

Round 4 started today. And apparently, there will be a Round 5 which means there will probably be a Round 6. You know how they like to “round” things out!

I have to wonder why I’m starting to have trouble swallowing again. And now with the SFX (side effects) of the drugs it really messes things up. I’m trying to eat leftover Chinese (Mayflower) from last night. Already it doesn’t taste the same even allowing for the fact that reheated Chinese food never tastes the same. So when I have trouble swallowing and the hiccup SFX starts, does that make things interesting! Looks like I may go back on the Ensure.

Even the steroid, Dexamethasone, nearly dumped me on my face coming up the basement stairs just like what almost happened at Teo’s house. The muscles in my legs just don't seem to work as fast.

Nurse Practioner Nancy Carl (NP N C) when I asked about how rough this round would be said, “I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is that it shouldn’t be any worse than the last round. The bad news is that it won’t be any better than the last round.”


Someone, I believe NP N C, wants me to get my white blood count booster shot the day after my pump is removed.

I have to go back in on a Saturday to get my pump removed. Nurse Martha will have to come in to remove it. I hope that she’s getting paid overtime. Or maybe there are a couple of pump removals occurring on Saturday. I did see a few pumps walk out today. That’s not saying they’re all on 5-FU which is a five day schedule, though.

So, to get my booster shot, I have to drive back over there on Sunday and go to the hospital portion and talk them into giving me my shot. The insurance company won’t let me give myself a simple sub-Q shot. Since I’ve given them to Amy, I should be able to give one to myself. But no-o-o-o-o! I even mentioned that Ben is giving Himmy sub-Q insulin shots. Same answer!


I thought that there was more that I wanted to say but I can’t think of it right now, so I may come back and edit this post.

Which leads me to this:


Fair warning! It is now officially the Christmas Season; I heard Christmas songs in Wal Mart today! That means that Vince Vance and the Valiants Christmas CD All I Want For Christmas Is You comes out of cold storage (pun intended; actually though I listen to it all year ‘round) and will be heard in the HBen household!

Follow the link to, page down to the Listen to Samples section and click on your choice of player for the first cut, the title song featuring Lisa Lane. I hope I’m not betraying my age when I exclaim, “What a set of pipes!” I love her jazzy version of this song!

I’m listening to the CD right now; all the girls have great voices!! And, if you stop to think about what the songs are saying, the snow will turn your eyes just a little misty, I’m guessing.

Now, kids, you gotta humor me this year! :-D And I’m sick! :-D And I’ll just be getting off the pump on Christmas Eve! :-D And I might be getting a shot on Christmas Day! :-D I need all the good cheer and good feeling music I can get! :-D


Anonymous said...

The boys missed a monster buck!
A 13 pointer with at least a 22 inch spread. Spud got 2 shots off and fell off the little dirt pile he was on, his dad said he just disapeared and POP'd up shooting 4 more times. The others also shot, but no one could hit that big buck. (was it really there, or just a figment of all their imaginations?) Spud was really excited for missing. He told his dad that "Grandpa must have chased that buck to me" (G-pa wouldn't have missed though)
It must be one of those big buck stories.
Kunolunkwa is an expression we use to say, "Luv Ya!"

-HB said...

Multiple figments of imagination all at the same time? That would be some powerful magic! So I'd bet they did see that deer.

Too much "buck fever" going around though. I hear they have a cure for that; it's called practice!!

I started practicing myself: air pistol in the living room. I figure if I'm gonna 'vegetate' every now and again, I might as well put the time to good use. At first the groups were pretty big, but the fifth target had almost all of 'em lined up in a verticle string in the bull. Now I have to work on elevation! Then I have to do it quick.

Thanks for the language lesson; that's one word that your dad didn't teach me!

So, "kunolunkwa" back at'cha!! And tell the boys there's always next year!

Anonymous said...

There have been few sightings around here this year. There have also been a few misses...more so as time goes on. However, at least one found its mark. This is a photo of Kenny with his deer:¤t=DSC01708.jpg
That's my sister-in-law in the photo with him.

Then we have the little man who is being groomed for future years:¤t=PB260003.jpg
No...I don't know what his issue with pants is these days. I'm just thankful we finally got him to wear his underwear!

Anonymous said...

Michael Bublé? John Denver & the Muppets? Chipmunks? Are they on the play list as well?

I went to Christy's last night to help with the decorating, we got as far as pulling the pictures off the walls, wrapping them with Holiday paper, tying big beautiful bows and putting them back up - very festive.

We listened to her Christmas collection of tunes, with the kids singing as close to on-key as possible.

Tonight will be the tree.

The only deer story I can add would be the cute guys who come down to the house and sleep under the trees - and eat the bushes.

-HB said...

Nettie, just a note, I tried to get to the pics but this site requires us to sign up just to see the pics. If you send them to me I can post them!

I did get a chance to check out Michael Buble on YouTube. Seemed "nice." Is there a song in particular that you really like, Robin?

But now that you mentioned it, I just turned on The Hampsterdance Song for old times sake! I should do like Ronny and add music to my blog!! GOOD IDEA!!

"All I Want For Christmas..." every time you log into my blog!!!
What do you think?

Anonymous said...

That can't be. It's the same site I use to host photos I link to on the forums. Anywho, I'll email them to you.

Anonymous said...

Thank u :-) you should look at this emo boy one at this blog: