…that make you wonder.
I posted last night at 9:05. I took a picture of my lower leg to show the edema (ain’t it cute?), took my shower, shaved my injection port to accommodate the tape later today, turned on my random noise generator, and finally climbed into bed sometime around 9:45.
Now, I can have trouble falling asleep. That’s why I usually use melatonin to help me fall asleep when I really need to. It’s a chemical already produced by the body (there’s those chemicals again) so it’s just as if my body kicked up its production a little. It’s one of the supplements that will be under discussion later today with my oncologist.
So there I was, trying to sleep and I could hear activity--read that noise--in the house. Usually I can identify it and promptly ignore it. Not tonight; it didn’t fit any pattern I'm used to. So I get up, grab the pistol and the flash (this should go without saying even when I wasn’t in the ‘female, aged, or infirmed’ group), and start my rounds.
Nothing outside, nothing inside. WTF! Back to bed.
Just get settled, start drifting off, and there’s more sound. Lay there a while and try to identify the sound; can’t. Get up again, grab my “stuff,” and made the rounds again. Nothing.
Ben doesn’t usually get home much before midnight. But I was back up again several times before then trying to find out what was making the noise. So there I am, standing at the back door, at 10:56, listening for the noise to repeat itself. I hear a car door slam, expect to see the backyard light come on (motion detector), and to have Ben come through the door. Won’t that be a surprise for him? LOL Wasn't him, but now I'm wondering who's close enough that I can hear their car door slam.
While I’m standing there, I finally hear some noise behind me! I check the closet in the entryway. Nothing! The only thing behind that is the bathroom and the door was open and nothing was visible in there when I went by. The operant word there was “visible.”
I went back to the bathroom to “checka out,” as Rawley used to say. Nothing. I do have cupboards under the sink; they haven’t been opened in a while. However, if a cat could get in there, it surely could get out unless maybe Himmy got hung up on something. Nothing in there, though. I do have a closet in the bathroom, and I had been in there earlier, but I specifically checked before closing the door because Mousebane had been underfoot earlier.
But I check again anyway.
Guess who comes walking out of the closet, tail held in the air, asking me WTF took me so long? Mousebane!
The bathroom is next door to my bedroom. Any of his attempts to get out could easily be heard over the noise of my sound machine. When I’m up, he’s listening for ME so HE isn’t making any noise. LOL
I’m not mad. That would be like being mad at the fires in SoCal. They’re both “forces of Nature.” I just need to "checka out" better next time. I have to get used to having SNEAKY cats around. He must have walked in as I closed the door with my attention elsewhere because there’s nothing but a toilet plunger on the floor to hide behind.
I went back to bed. I decided that, since I would just get to sleep when the alarm would go off for my midnight meds, I’d take them now and turn off the alarms. I heard Ben come home about 11:20 or so, and finally drifted off to sleep. But 6:00AM came awful early. It’s a good thing I can snooze during chemo. But I may be too worked up from my visit with my oncologist to be able to do so.

I mentioned a picture of my lower leg. I thought I’d post one after only one day on my dexamethasone. It’ll get worse. Then I’ll be back on the Lasix to get rid of the water and the potassium, so I’ll be back on the horse pill to replace the potassium. BTW, thanks for the concern about crushing the tablet just to get it down, but it is just potassium chloride. No hu hu!
What is somewhat funny to my twisted sense of humor is that EVERYTHING below the waist swells up. Do I have an answer to some of those spam emails or what? I don’t need ‘em.
Back to the leg, you can see where my shoe fit and where my sock ended. The rest is just blown up! And that was while I was just sitting at the computer.
I just had a thought; did you hear the bell go off? I think I might have to take my daughter’s idea and sit on my big exercise ball at the desk. See if that helps my back.

Reading the comments this morning, I was reminded of our (Ben and I) “escape from Florida” this spring. We encountered wildfires near Lake City, and had to drive west in the panhandle until we hit Alabama and then we could head North. So I thought I’d just add a picture of that trip. This was May 12. We didn't use face masks or anything, although a lot of the locals were, but I did get a bit of a headache from breathing the smoke that got into the car. So, I can sympathize with Tayler's plight, and wish her well. One day was an adventure. After that, it stops being fun.
I posted last night at 9:05. I took a picture of my lower leg to show the edema (ain’t it cute?), took my shower, shaved my injection port to accommodate the tape later today, turned on my random noise generator, and finally climbed into bed sometime around 9:45.
Now, I can have trouble falling asleep. That’s why I usually use melatonin to help me fall asleep when I really need to. It’s a chemical already produced by the body (there’s those chemicals again) so it’s just as if my body kicked up its production a little. It’s one of the supplements that will be under discussion later today with my oncologist.
So there I was, trying to sleep and I could hear activity--read that noise--in the house. Usually I can identify it and promptly ignore it. Not tonight; it didn’t fit any pattern I'm used to. So I get up, grab the pistol and the flash (this should go without saying even when I wasn’t in the ‘female, aged, or infirmed’ group), and start my rounds.
Nothing outside, nothing inside. WTF! Back to bed.
Just get settled, start drifting off, and there’s more sound. Lay there a while and try to identify the sound; can’t. Get up again, grab my “stuff,” and made the rounds again. Nothing.
Ben doesn’t usually get home much before midnight. But I was back up again several times before then trying to find out what was making the noise. So there I am, standing at the back door, at 10:56, listening for the noise to repeat itself. I hear a car door slam, expect to see the backyard light come on (motion detector), and to have Ben come through the door. Won’t that be a surprise for him? LOL Wasn't him, but now I'm wondering who's close enough that I can hear their car door slam.
While I’m standing there, I finally hear some noise behind me! I check the closet in the entryway. Nothing! The only thing behind that is the bathroom and the door was open and nothing was visible in there when I went by. The operant word there was “visible.”
I went back to the bathroom to “checka out,” as Rawley used to say. Nothing. I do have cupboards under the sink; they haven’t been opened in a while. However, if a cat could get in there, it surely could get out unless maybe Himmy got hung up on something. Nothing in there, though. I do have a closet in the bathroom, and I had been in there earlier, but I specifically checked before closing the door because Mousebane had been underfoot earlier.
But I check again anyway.
Guess who comes walking out of the closet, tail held in the air, asking me WTF took me so long? Mousebane!
The bathroom is next door to my bedroom. Any of his attempts to get out could easily be heard over the noise of my sound machine. When I’m up, he’s listening for ME so HE isn’t making any noise. LOL
I’m not mad. That would be like being mad at the fires in SoCal. They’re both “forces of Nature.” I just need to "checka out" better next time. I have to get used to having SNEAKY cats around. He must have walked in as I closed the door with my attention elsewhere because there’s nothing but a toilet plunger on the floor to hide behind.
I went back to bed. I decided that, since I would just get to sleep when the alarm would go off for my midnight meds, I’d take them now and turn off the alarms. I heard Ben come home about 11:20 or so, and finally drifted off to sleep. But 6:00AM came awful early. It’s a good thing I can snooze during chemo. But I may be too worked up from my visit with my oncologist to be able to do so.

I mentioned a picture of my lower leg. I thought I’d post one after only one day on my dexamethasone. It’ll get worse. Then I’ll be back on the Lasix to get rid of the water and the potassium, so I’ll be back on the horse pill to replace the potassium. BTW, thanks for the concern about crushing the tablet just to get it down, but it is just potassium chloride. No hu hu!
What is somewhat funny to my twisted sense of humor is that EVERYTHING below the waist swells up. Do I have an answer to some of those spam emails or what? I don’t need ‘em.
Back to the leg, you can see where my shoe fit and where my sock ended. The rest is just blown up! And that was while I was just sitting at the computer.
I just had a thought; did you hear the bell go off? I think I might have to take my daughter’s idea and sit on my big exercise ball at the desk. See if that helps my back.

Reading the comments this morning, I was reminded of our (Ben and I) “escape from Florida” this spring. We encountered wildfires near Lake City, and had to drive west in the panhandle until we hit Alabama and then we could head North. So I thought I’d just add a picture of that trip. This was May 12. We didn't use face masks or anything, although a lot of the locals were, but I did get a bit of a headache from breathing the smoke that got into the car. So, I can sympathize with Tayler's plight, and wish her well. One day was an adventure. After that, it stops being fun.

I just found this satellite photo on line of the SoCal wildfires and thought I'd post it here. Our best wishes to Tayler.
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