Friday, October 19, 2007

Cat Pics

To fulfill a request, I am submitting these cat pictures for your viewing pleasure.

The first picture is of Mousebane, the 15-year-old male. This is where I used to find him in the morning, sitting on the kitchen table where he's in close reach for a good scratching!

The second photo is of Himmy. I don't know how old Himmy is; you'll have to ask Benjamin. But, as you can see, Himmy needs a diaper. He is incontinent due to his diabetes.
Himmy gets around OK, but just slowly. He can climb stairs, and hopefully when I get the carpet on it, he'll be able to climb the ramp to watch the wildlife in my backyard out the window.

Good News, I Think!

Just as I sat down to type this, Chris Isaak came on the Windows Media Player singing his song Breaking Apart. (No video, just music.) Talk about memories….. It’s amazing how emotions can be associated with certain songs and just hearing them can bring back those emotions after so long. 'Course I've listened to it several hundred times already....


I may be off-line this weekend. Ben has a few things he needs help moving to make his move complete. And, I’m in the process of rearranging the “office.” So I may need to tear my computer system down to accomplish that. I’m not anticipating that it take that long, but you never know.


If I owe you an email, I will get to it eventually. I’ve had a couple out there for several weeks now that I’ve been meaning to get to, but it just never seems like the time.


Along the same lines, I’m amazed at how fragile I seem to be right now. I was up late last night for some reason, trying to get something done. And I was up early this morning to attend my PET scan.

I got up at 5:30, a half-hour earlier than I usually do and guess who was camped out in the hall. Mousebane! He’s been getting up to greet me when I get up to take my meds at 6:00. I figured getting up early I could beat him into the hall. Nope.

Anyway, I got home about 10:00, did a few things, but my butt was dragging. So I decided to take a quick nap. Went into the living room only to find Mousebane in the recliner, so I grabbed my blanket and curled up on the floor. I was still there when Ben left for work at 1:30. Eventually, I got up and went into the bedroom and slept there for a while. I finally got up at about 4:00.

In the meantime, I decided to try an experiment. I was sleeping when my 12:00 pain med was supposed to be taken. So when I got up I didn’t try to take it. At 4:00 I hadn’t really experienced any more pain than normal. But the normal pain right now is all joint pain. But by my 6:00 meds I did notice some abdominal pain. So I did take my pain meds.


You probably won’t believe me, but I finally hooked an antenna system up to the 15” computer monitor with embedded TV tuner that Ben gave me one year for Christmas. Yes, I now have access to the local broadcast TV stations. He got a great deal on it as an “open item.” It had been returned and I now know why. The connector for the antenna is a European PAL connector, not exactly common around here. Leave it to Radio Shack to have something like that.

Tried watching today. It reminded me of the scene in the first Crocodile Dundee where Mick is in the fancy New York hotel, turns on the TV and sees I Love Lucy reruns. Pretty much the same thing that he had seen once upon a time back in the Australian outback.



Jeff, aka “Yuppers,” stopped by today. Jeff is distant “shirt-tail” relation to Nancy. but I know him from work. So, despite being off work for over six weeks now, he’s the first co-worker to stop by to see what’s up.

His mom suffers from gastritis, which is what I thought I had before I found out the truth. So we’ve had the “comparing symptoms” conversation.

(Just listening to my music while I type this, but just listen to that guitar riff from Take a Pebble by Emerson, Lake, and Palmer!! It starts about 4 minutes into the video. I'm going to have to learn to play that! I actually hated ELP when I first heard them. My roommate in college, Ron Potts, kept playing them over and over, ‘til one day I got back to the room , turned on the turntable which had the ELP album on, and started playing it before I even thought about it. I was groovin’ away doing homework when Ron got back to the room, wanting to know what I was doing playing music that I hated. :-) )

But Jeff stopped by to see if there was anything he could do to help me with and even left his number. He’s staying with his mother, taking care of her until she can get a room in one of the Reservation facilities.

I did find out I have a new boss. Gone six weeks and already things are changing.

Today, I finished the woodwork on the window shelf for the cats. I just need to fabricate a railing so Himmy has some protection when he turns around on the shelf, and then carpet everything.

I’ve taken a few photos of the project as it stands for you viewing pleasure.


My PET scan went better this time. They used the median cubital vein inside the elbow instead of the vein on the back of my hand, which has, I’m told, a knot that makes venipuncture problematic. Last time I ended up with a big purple lump on the back of my hand.

They transport the PET scanner around the state on a special semi. So I’m actually getting scanned in a semi trailer, kinda fitting I thought.

As I was leaving the semi and the scanner tech was walking me out, I was telling him that it seemed easier to eat and that the tumor must be shrinking. Now, he said something that I don’t remember, I was too busy thinking about the implications of what he had said, but he was happy/pleased with the test results and ended his comment with “…but I can’t say anything about it.” But he was happy!

So, I have some good expectations of what I’ll hear on Wednesday.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Notes on a Thursday

BW Richardson, posted an intriguing comment about the movie, Fight Club. Although I had seen it before, primarily because of a review of the movie by Tom Ender, I didn’t remember that particular quote.

So, I had to watch it all over again.

So, after taking all the rain-soaked leaves that Amy and I had raked up, and all the rain-soaked leaves that I raked up yesterday, and moving them to the front yard for pickup, and after mowing the lawn, and running a few errands, I decided to sit down and watch the movie again.

It was somewhat intriguing. I can certainly sympathize with Chloe. I can sympathize with the desire to have done something more than to succumb to all the marketing ploys. And, although my favorite genre of “skiffy” (SciFi) is the post-Apocalyptic stories, I don’t know that I would want to be the one to have precipitated the event.

I’ll have to think about it for a few days.

BTW, I clicked on Tom Ender’s name in the Comment Section only to find that he, too, has started a blog. Just something more I’ll have to keep an eye on….. Which reminds me, I haven't told Tom. Should I bring him down, too?


I may even get paid.

It seems that my doctor’s office—the Clinic, not the Medical Center—had sent in the paperwork for my short-term disability. The insurance company just didn’t receive it. So, with everyone working together, I was informed by my HR contact today that the insurance company has everything they need, they’re cutting a check and sending it to my company today, and they’ll send it on to me when it gets there.

I like payday, especially now.


Tomorrow is my PET scan. We’ll see just how much tumor butt we’ve kicked. I probably won’t find out until I go in Wednesday for my next round of chemo.

But I have been feeling somewhat better since I lightened up a little and started eating some things to help me, like cilantro.

Now, I love Mexican food. However, I hate cilantro, especially fresh cilantro. It tastes like soap to me. But, cilantro, along with Vitamin C helps me with one of my “disorders.” I don’t notice any difference yet, but I’m hopeful.

I don’t know if you noticed but I don't worship at the same medical “church” as most folks. I go to the Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) “church” while most folks, especially doctors, go to the Conventional Medicine (CM) “church.” So right off, we have a difference of views.

I NEED to discuss my CAM beliefs with my CM oncologist. I want to be taking my vitamins and other supplements, especially during the time I’m made “sick” on purpose. As I mentioned before, I wouldn’t have been so fatigued due to the lack of magnesium if I had been allowed to take my supplements. Are we going to start a pool on what the outcome of that discussion is going to be? LOL

Well, I’d best get to bed. Test is in the EARLY AM.

I found it!

In reference to comments on my previous picture post, I think this is the shot Dad is referring to where both dogs were on him and he was quite warm. Now, of course, he blames it on the dogs, but look how Dad is dressed! Its Florida in MAY, and he's wearing flannel p.j.'s and a hoodie ;-)! But yes, I agree, the monsters can get really quite warm..... Please excuse the messy house. Again, notice the lack of smile on Dad's face... hhhhmmm, and he tells me he likes my dogs ;-)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I’m in a Hurry

I was 183 this morning, which is good. I dislike those rapid weight gains because they presage rapid weight losses, and those aren’t so good.

I went to bed about 11:30PM last night, taking my meds a little early. Was up at 6:00AM for my meds, and went back to sleep and slept until 9:00AM!!!! How cool was that? And it was fairly decent sleep as well. (Have you noticed I seem to use the phrase “as well” way too much? :-D)

I took Robin’s advice again, today, and got physically active. Thought I’d try to build a little muscle fiber. So, I was up on the roof before lunch using the leaf blower to clean out the gutters. Fastest way to clean them buggers. And I figured that if I were to fall, I wanted to do it before Ben left for work.

Of course, blowing out the gutters meant that I had leaves all over the lawn. So I started blowing and raking. I tried to do mostly raking, but by 4:00, when I still wasn’t done and had only a couple of cherry turnovers for lunch, I decided to take a break, get a meal, and reevaluate my options. I decided since the Greens weren’t here to rake for me that I was going to finish the lawn fastest and easiest by blowing the leaves.

Tomorrow, I’ll take all those leaves we had “stored” in the back when Amy was here and mowing my lawn for me, and move them to the front for pick-up! Then I’ll mow. Hopefully, mowing will go easier than raking, ‘cause I AM SORE! I’m looking at a tub of hot water as soon as I’m done here. If I haven’t fallen asleep yet, I’ll even work in a massage of the Vitamin E lotion before getting to bed early, so I can get up early. Lot’s to do tomorrow.


Speaking of vitamins, apparently magnesium oxide isn’t the best form of magnesium to use for what ails me. And the brand name that the doctor prescribed, Blaine’s MagOx, disintegrates into sand and gravel in the mouth almost as soon as liquid hits it.

Yeah, I went to take my magnesium with my meal so I added my evening meds to the couple of tablets, put all of them in my mouth, took a sip of my Diet (How the heck did that happen? Gotta learn to read the labels…) Peach Tea, and suddenly I had this sand-type sensation in my mouth. Great stuff, that!


Apparently, magnesium is more important to our health than we normally hear about. We’ll hear about the need for calcium, but the cal/mag ratio is much more important. Calcium is a muscle constrictor; it can cause leg cramps and the like. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant. The body is too tense when calcium is dominant. And magnesium deficiencies can cause fatal heart attacks.


I found a new-to-me website put together by a health journalist dealing with, surprise, surprise, health issues! I’d read his articles before on, and had liked them, but didn’t realize the wealth of info on his site. His name is Bill Sardi and his website is called Knowledge of Health.

You have got to go out and browse. I love the way that he references almost every statement he makes. I even found out why the oncologist didn’t want me taking Vitamin C. Watch this 8 minute video. The visuals can go by pretty quick, but the info is spot on!! I remember a lot of what he references.

This article got my attention. I actually have a bottle in my grubby little hands. I WANNA TAKE IT!!!!

But read some of the other articles on cancer, too.

BTW, read the articles dealing with water. On the left, under Contents, click on the word water and read the two articles about the water you drink. Watch what he has to say about magnesium.

I love this guy! You’ll be seeing a lot more references to this site. Every time I go out there and click on an article I learn something.

Please note, the sources Mr. Sardi references are primarily Conventional Medicine sources that sometimes question what could be considered “Conventional Medical Wisdom.”

Now if I only lived in a free country where I could implement some of the things I’m learning….

Oh well, I’m off to take a bath!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hired Help

The thought occurs to me that if I were going to hire help, I’d hire a housekeeper, not a masseuse. I just finished vacuuming the carpets, washing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen, building the window shelf for the cats, WAIT! STOP!! I haven’t told you about that yet!

The windows in this house are all relatively high. The cats can’t see out the windows, especially Himmy. So, when Amy was home, we checked into getting something store-bought to help in that regard.

I figured that the kitchen window was probably the best window to use--all my squirrels are visible from there--but it’s three feet off the floor. So we found a shelf that attaches to the windowsill and just kinda hangs there. So how would Himmy make that transition from floor to shelf? I’d have to build something. So, if I’m going to build a ramp or stairs, I might as well build the shelf as well. And I have. It’s all set up except for the ramp and the carpeting. Maybe tomorrow.


I suppose that it should come as no surprise that I haven’t received a short-term disability check yet. So I checked with my HR contact today. She did some investigation and the results came back that the insurance company is waiting for some info from my doctors. “Who’d a thunk it?” I talked with them and they are "looking into it."


As a result of chemotherapy, I am also experiencing some neuropathy or nerve damage. I have occasional numb spots on my hands and feet. At least they aren’t causing me pain, yet, although that may end up being a possibility. So my ears are ringing and my hands and feet are numb, all due to the chemo.

Another side effect (S-FX) of the chemo is a personality change. I don’t know if you’ve noticed it yet or not. But it is there. I’ve been watching it for some time now, wondering how bad it’s going to get and how well I’ll be able to control it. So far so good, but it does pop up occasionally. And that’s on top of being tired, hungry, low or high blood sugar, etc.

And it’s not as if I haven’t gone through this before. (I am going to have to write that story one of these days.) So, if you hear me say or do something that may not sound like me, it may not really be me but the chemicals talking.

And remember, a change in brain chemistry doesn’t mean that the person in possession of the brain is a bad person. (You know whom I’m talking about. I hope things are going well with that situation.)

I stopped spanking my kids when Ben was about ten or so and came up with different ways of disciplining them. I wasn’t big on hitting them in the first place, but one incident brought home the need to change.

Amy had been giving me some “trouble” one day and I spanked her for it, only to find out that Amy, as a Type I diabetic, was experiencing low blood sugar. She wasn’t responsible for her actions at that point in time, her blood chemistry was. I still can feel the shame I felt when we tested her blood and found just how low her blood sugar was. Out of all the things that I’d take back if I could, that one incident tops my list. It wasn’t just the spanking, but how I felt about her for being such a brat at the time. What I was thinking about her was totally unjustified.

It was then that I made the resolution not to hold people responsible for their actions when the problem may be their blood or brain chemistry. So please think kindly of me if I should err. You know that I wouldn’t want to and wouldn’t mean to, but life happens sometimes.


So here I am, it's after ten and I'm tired. I'd like to got to bed, but I'd just have to get up in two hours to take my pain meds. Then I'll probably have trouble getting back to sleep. So I guess I'll stay up for another hour or so, take my meds a little early, and hope I fall off to sleep quickly.

This makes two posts in one day. Wow!

Hasta luego, amigos!

"Listen, People, To What I Say...."

Part of my issue with the medical community is that they sometimes give the impression that they aren’t listening. Not all of them, mind you, but more than there should be.

Case in point, my first contact with Aurora this year. When I came back from Florida I thought I had gastritis. It got worse until I could no longer wait the two months for my first appointment with my new doctor. I called and got an appointment to see a Dr. Nitke in a couple of days.

When I went in, he was more interested in going through my file than in looking at me, the customer, which is why I was there in the first place. I told him that I had lost 30 – 40 pounds since the end of March, and that I couldn’t eat food. I was reduced to sucking bottles of Ensure. I was hurting so bad I was shaking.

One of the defining characteristics of cancer is inadvertent, significant, weight loss. The result of that visit was that I left with the prescription that I obtain and use Prilosec OTC. He must not have heard me, or didn’t pay attention to me.

When I started dealing with the oncologists and the nutritionist, I told everyone that would listen that I wasn’t eating solid foods and that I couldn’t even drink a glass of water without stopping. I was reduced to sipping my sustenance.

So, I went into my first round of chemo totally malnourished. I had mouth sores before I left the building.

When I finally was able to start eating solid and semisolid foods, I pointed out to anyone who would listen that what I ate in the morning stayed with me all day. It seemed like it never left the stomach until sometime during the night. And that I didn’t like that at all.

Have you ever awakened in the middle of the night, choking on stomach contents that had slipped by the esophageal sphincter and had been aspirated? Stuff that came up one pipe from the stomach and went back down the other pipe into the lungs? I have, several times.

My first sister, Christine, died at the ripe old age of eighteen months after developing pneumonia after she drank kerosene and then aspirating stomach contents when she threw up.

One of my favorite authors,Peter McWilliams, died in his bathtub, suffocating on his own vomit, after the Federal government denied him the access to medical marijuana that the State of California had voted in referendum to allow! The marijuana that would have prevented the nausea and vomiting that ended up taking his life.

Now, the Wikipedia article mentions that the coroner’s report states that Mr. McWilliams died of a heart attack. This is the first I’ve heard of that. It also points out that a citation is needed to authenticate that fact.

The forward to his book, Ain’t Nobody’s Business If You Do, the book that brought him to my attention has a forward by William F. Buckley, Jr. who states that Mr. McWilliams died because he aspirated his own vomit. BTW, the link goes to the online version of his book on the absurdity of “consensual crimes.”

All that being said, I lived in fear the first few months after waking up choking and gagging. I wouldn’t go to sleep if I had eaten too late in the evening. I wouldn’t eat if there was a chance that I would be going to bed early for whatever reason. To this day, I still sleep with three pillows, propped up to make it physically more difficult for the situation to occur. The fear never goes away.

Which is why the issue with the fatigue has made me nervous. I never knew when I would fall asleep. I couldn’t hydrate while I’m sleeping. And I run the risk of losing my lunch while sleeping. I had to stay awake, but that appeared difficult. And, I'll have to face all that all over again after my surgery.

So, when talking to Nurse Diane about my eating habits, she was the first one that seemed to understand what I was saying. She clarified that I would eat something and that it would seem to stay with me in my stomach all day long. I was SO blown away when she said that that was no problem; they had drugs to take care of that. She would talk to the doctor about it.

The interview with the doctor came and went with no mention of the new drugs. The call for a new prescription for my antacid/ magnesium supplement came and went with no mention of the new drugs. I was back to not eating in the afternoon so I wouldn’t have food in my stomach when I went to bed.

So, this morning, I tried a capsule of digestive enzymes. It appeared to work; I was hungry by noon! But supper seems to be sticking with me, now. We’ll have to see.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Probably my favorite pic of Dad ;-), taken in 2006! My 75 lb boy dog, Maz, still thinks he's a lap dog. The look of utter bliss on Maz's face because he's getting a full-body cuddle is priceless! ... as is the look of non-amusement on Dad's face! If I recall, Dad was quite over-heated at the moment ;-).

The caterpillar problem I came home to, after visiting Green Bay!

Dad taking pic of himself, the water, and a banner-airplane on Cocoa Beach in 2003. Hee, hee, hee ;-).

Pics from Florida

Hey all,

Dad had given me a digital camera for my birthday, and requested I send him various "Florida pics." So, I took my first round, practicing with the camera, and Dad thought I should post some here for all to see.

He said his blog needs something "purty" ;-) (referring to the pics of flowers in my yard). So, here it goes.....

The zoom feature on digitals is amazing. These blue flowers are about the size of a quarter, each, maybe smaller.

If anyone has any pic requests, please let me know! I can upload shots of my mutts, my house, beach stuff, whatever. I'm already scouring my archives to find interesting and incriminating shots of Dad ;-).

More later, Amy

And This Is Me PISSED OFF!

These doctors are starting to PISS ME OFF!!!!! At a time when money is starting to get tight, I just spent $17 for something I already have in my cupboard!! Because it's an OTC product, my insurance won't pay for it.

Granted, it’s not the same brand name they prescribed, but magnesium oxide is magnesium oxide. And if they’d have checked the list of supplements that I gave them, they’d have known that I did have it. And, if they hadn’t told me to discontinue everything that I was taking, I’d probably STILL BE TAKING IT!!! (And yes, Lois; I AM shouting!!!)

But I suppose that checking their notes is too hard to do, considering we had to rely on my notes for my last doctor’s visit, because the doctor’s notes from my previous visit, nine days earlier, hadn’t been typed up and entered into my file yet! It was how I was able to get off the diuretic, Lasix. The doctor didn’t even know that he had prescribed it and the “horse pill” supplement to counteract the effects of the diuretic until I brought it up.

Now, the magnesium deficiency is a result of the cisplatin and—surprise, surprise—can cause FATIGUE! So that would explain the lassitude, lately.

And, the directions they gave me are different than the label directions, again.

But let’s look on the bright side; I did spend pre-tax dollars to support their favorite corporation supplying magnesium instead of post-tax dollars.

Had they supplied me with a copy of the lab results, I could have picked up on the deficiency and started supplementation myself. Which reminds me, I’m not getting any records from them. I’ll take care of that tomorrow, or they won’t have a patient!

Based solely on following THEIR regimen, I have a one in four chance of surviving the next five years. I’d like to increase those odds, but I can’t do it following their regimen. Things are going to have to change.

A New Day

Almost 180 pounds this AM. I slept fairly well last night. Mouth sores have backed off; I almost can’t feel them anymore. And I got the dishes done, finally, yesterday. Lookout, near normal, here I come!!!


I got tired of looking at the fringe of white hair encircling my head. As more and more has fallen out, it wouldn’t lay down like it would after being cut. It gave me an appearance of permanent “bed head.” And wearing the nightcap didn't help, although it does manage to capture most of the "loss." So off it came. So, if you look at my recent photo, just erase the slight bit of white there on the right side of the photo and you’ll have what I look like, now.

After rubbing my head for a while—a new sensation for both my head and my hands—it occurred to me that this might be a good time to be nice to my scalp. You know, oils, massage, that kind of thing.

Now Ronny is a fellow practitioner; he might have some advice for me. At the same time there may be others would could suggest something else I can do that would be nice to my scalp.

Now, I thought of the obvious: aloe vera gel. I have some and may do that this morning yet. But there may be something else I wouldn’t think of.


I’m going to be out and about this morning, trying to get some things done that can only be done on work days, if you know what I mean. But I’ll be checking in from time to time.


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Another Sleepless Night….

…so I decided that, rather than laying in bed trying to sleep, that I’d get up run across the street for a hot chocolate and a couple of donuts (a cream-filled Long John and a triple chocolate Bismarck), and talk to you guys.

“How do they taste?” you ask? Reminds me of a joke about the guy who went into this French whorehouse and asked for the worst….. Well, maybe not. But I am “homesick” for taste.

And sleep, good sleep.

Night before last night, I went to bed at 7:00PM and slept until my medication alarm woke me at midnight. Took my meds and went back to sleep right away and slept until 4:00AM. Tried to sleep until six but it didn’t work. So, I got up at 5:00, felt pretty good, and decided to make French Toast. Went next door for some milk. Did I mention that I can’t taste things very well? If the half-empty carton of milk in the fridge had gone bad, there would be no way for me to tell until I got sick!

So, I dug out my recipe book, looked up French Toast, and fried up four slices. Butter and syrup. I got almost half of it down.

All done by 7:00AM.

Sat down to read in the recliner, fell asleep, and slept until Noon. So today, I was up until 9:00PM when I went to bed. And here I am.

Just talked to Ben; he’s heading off to bed. He reminded me that the doctor said of this time period, “No pain, no gain.” And it’s not as if I have to get up and go to work or anything. So maybe I should just relax, pretend I’m a cat, and sleep when I can. But I’m such a creature of habit.

Maybe it’s time to catch up on a few things. Since I didn’t have the time to address them when they happened, I’ll be a little slow getting them down on electrons. Or phosphors. Or however we characterize computerized media versus paper media. (Notice how language always follows behind changing reality?)

Julie, we had your spaghetti dish when Kris and Ken were up last Sunday. From what I was told, it was good; you can’t trust my judgment right now. My current favorite dish is what I call Cream of Chicken Ramen Noodles/ Egg Drop Soup. I fix chicken-flavored Ramen Noodles, break an egg into the soup, and then add a slice of Velveeta cheese. Actually, it’s pretty good to my taste buds; YMMV (your mileage may vary). Later this morning, I’m going to try it with chunky chicken in it as well.

And I guess that’s the best I can ask for right now, that the food doesn’t suck. Like these donuts. Like the French Toast.

Back to the spaghetti dish, the only thing that was offered was that it was a little dry, but we had purchased some sauce just in case, so it went very well. Recipes did go home with Kris and Amy.

There was some speculation about the physical presentation of the dish. It was suggested that it would make a great dish for Halloween if the spaghetti was dyed red so that it looked like veins. With the red sauce, it would look ghoulishly delicious. I don’t know; I was out of it most of the weekend. But you can ask questions if you want. The folks who came up with that suggestion do read this blog, I’m told.

I had Ben take a couple of photos today, at Amy’s suggestion, and put one in the “Current picture” slot on the left. Don’t know if you noticed, but that’s what Amy had to put up with when she was here.

Also, I changed the Sticky Schedule around a bit. And I added my meds, at least the ones I know about. I do get a couple more drugs that I don’t have info on at present. I’ll add them if I ever figure it out. Pain meds aren’t going to be posted anymore although I may discuss results. If you would like to know, you can contact me and ask.

Himmy and I both have been limping around today (yesterday). Started me wondering if it has to do with the barometric pressure. Maybe I can tell weather.

And I finally figured out what’s been bothering me about all the mistakes and “issues” going on with my association with Aurora Bay Care. I’ll write it up sometime.

But, it’s almost 4:00, I’m starting to feel tired, and I’d like to get a couple of hours of sleep before I have to get up to take my meds.