Sunday, May 4, 2008

Update and Obituary

Hello all,

I wanted to let everyone know that Dad's obituary ran in today's Green Bay Press Gazette. The link to the on-line obit is:

Ben and I and Dad's brother Bill and his wife Julie said our final goodbyes to Dad's body on Friday and watched him be loaded into the cremation retort. We included many sentimental items in the cremation, including photos of loved ones, a few knives, feathers, a choker that belonged to his best friend Rawley before his own passing, and a few other requested items. Ben and I also decided to place a lock of each of our hair into Dad's hands, so he was clutching a part of each of us as he was cremated. I think Dad would have really liked the uniqueness of this whole thing ;-). Ben and I picked up his ashes on Saturday. So his earthly vessle is now no more.

We also wanted to let everyone know that we have decided to have the memorial celebration this coming Saturday, May 10, 2008, from 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm. (People can come and leave as desired). It will be at Dad's home. Please call Dad's phone number or Blaney Funeral Home at 920-494-7447 for specifics, if you would like to attend. All family, friends and acquaintances are welcome. We will have Dad's favorite Mexican food catered, but please bring your favorite dish, if you are willing, so that we can have a variety of food to choose from. Desserts, side dishes, good ole Wisconsin comfort food, are all welcome. Also, because we aren't big drinkers and we have no idea what people's preferences are, this will be a "bring you own booze" event. It just makes life easier ;-).

That's all for now,
