I may be off-line this weekend. Ben has a few things he needs help moving to make his move complete. And, I’m in the process of rearranging the “office.” So I may need to tear my computer system down to accomplish that. I’m not anticipating that it take that long, but you never know.
If I owe you an email, I will get to it eventually. I’ve had a couple out there for several weeks now that I’ve been meaning to get to, but it just never seems like the time.
Along the same lines, I’m amazed at how fragile I seem to be right now. I was up late last night for some reason, trying to get something done. And I was up early this morning to attend my PET scan.
I got up at 5:30, a half-hour earlier than I usually do and guess who was camped out in the hall. Mousebane! He’s been getting up to greet me when I get up to take my meds at 6:00. I figured getting up early I could beat him into the hall. Nope.
Anyway, I got home about 10:00, did a few things, but my butt was dragging. So I decided to take a quick nap. Went into the living room only to find Mousebane in the recliner, so I grabbed my blanket and curled up on the floor. I was still there when Ben left for work at 1:30. Eventually, I got up and went into the bedroom and slept there for a while. I finally got up at about 4:00.
In the meantime, I decided to try an experiment. I was sleeping when my 12:00 pain med was supposed to be taken. So when I got up I didn’t try to take it. At 4:00 I hadn’t really experienced any more pain than normal. But the normal pain right now is all joint pain. But by my 6:00 meds I did notice some abdominal pain. So I did take my pain meds.
You probably won’t believe me, but I finally hooked an antenna system up to the 15” computer monitor with embedded TV tuner that Ben gave me one year for Christmas. Yes, I now have access to the local broadcast TV stations. He got a great deal on it as an “open item.” It had been returned and I now know why. The connector for the antenna is a European PAL connector, not exactly common around here. Leave it to Radio Shack to have something like that.
Tried watching today. It reminded me of the scene in the first Crocodile Dundee where Mick is in the fancy New York hotel, turns on the TV and sees I Love Lucy reruns. Pretty much the same thing that he had seen once upon a time back in the Australian outback.
Jeff, aka “Yuppers,” stopped by today. Jeff is distant “shirt-tail” relation to Nancy. but I know him from work. So, despite being off work for over six weeks now, he’s the first co-worker to stop by to see what’s up.
His mom suffers from gastritis, which is what I thought I had before I found out the truth. So we’ve had the “comparing symptoms” conversation.
(Just listening to my music while I type this, but just listen to that guitar riff from Take a Pebble by Emerson, Lake, and Palmer!! It starts about 4 minutes into the video. I'm going to have to learn to play that! I actually hated ELP when I first heard them. My roommate in college, Ron Potts, kept playing them over and over, ‘til one day I got back to the room , turned on the turntable which had the ELP album on, and started playing it before I even thought about it. I was groovin’ away doing homework when Ron got back to the room, wanting to know what I was doing playing music that I hated. :-) )
But Jeff stopped by to see if there was anything he could do to help me with and even left his number. He’s staying with his mother, taking care of her until she can get a room in one of the Reservation facilities.
I did find out I have a new boss. Gone six weeks and already things are changing.

I’ve taken a few photos of the project as it stands for you viewing pleasure.
My PET scan went better this time. They used the median cubital vein inside the elbow instead of the vein on the back of my hand, which has, I’m told, a knot that makes venipuncture problematic. Last time I ended up with a big purple lump on the back of my hand.
They transport the PET scanner around the state on a special semi. So I’m actually getting scanned in a semi trailer, kinda fitting I thought.
As I was leaving the semi and the scanner tech was walking me out, I was telling him that it seemed easier to eat and that the tumor must be shrinking. Now, he said something that I don’t remember, I was too busy thinking about the implications of what he had said, but he was happy/pleased with the test results and ended his comment with “…but I can’t say anything about it.” But he was happy!
So, I have some good expectations of what I’ll hear on Wednesday.
I'm excited for your news on Wednesday, too!
Pretty nifty setup for the kitties. When do we get to see a photo of them?
"Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you." Or, in other words, I posted pics of the cats!!
I saw them....thanks.
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