Between doing other things, I’ve been trying to catch up on my emails. I’m down to 35 items in my inbox. Not all of them are emails to be replied to. Most are articles that I want to read. Por ejemplo (For example), you might wonder why I use Wikipedia for a lot of my definitions. A Daily Article from the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Wikipedia: What Is It Good For?, might explain my interest.
What is the Mises Institute?
“The Ludwig von Mises Institute is the research and educational center of classical liberalism, libertarian political theory, and the Austrian School of economics….
“It is the mission of the Mises Institute to restore a high place for theory in economics and the social sciences, encourage a revival of critical historical research, and draw attention to neglected traditions in Western philosophy. In this cause, the Mises Institute works to advance the Austrian School of economics and the Misesian tradition, and, in application, defends the market economy, private property, sound money, and peaceful international relations, while opposing government intervention as economically and socially destructive.”
I learn a lot from these folks about the things I believe in.
And I have other sources that I read as well, like The Advocates for Self-Government, the Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership, and even a daily source for quotes relating to liberty. Like this one by John Adams:
"The Revolution was effected before the War commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments of their duties and obligations ...
“This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people, was the real American Revolution."
Amy & Ben: remind me to set up a list of links to Sites of Interest on this blog.
The articles I’ll have to think about I leave in my inbox until I get a chance to deal with it. I do the same with the emails to which I need to respond. So they never go away until I deal with them.
Unfortunately, I have the habit of dealing with them in reverse chronological order; I deal with the most recent first. So, if I get overwhelmed, I don’t get to my early emails as fast as I’d like. Sorry!
I carpeted the platform today. Mousebane has been up there several times, since. He uses the ramp to strop his claws.
I will put the railing on sometime Thursday or Friday.
I finished the electrical installations in the “office” and am set up to hook up the rest of my toys. First though, I need to clear away some of the overburden, the piles of paperwork including finding the directions to Tim’s & Shelly’s wedding. So you know that I’ll at least find that much.
I was out today to file for my disability benefits from my credit union. The ‘relationship manager’ and I had an interesting talk. It seems that he, too, has rescued his pet dog, a bulldog. There's more of them than you know!
Food. It’s amazing what we put up with.
I did run out to Wendy’s on Velp. I know, you’re probably saying, “What Wendy’s on Velp?” I checked Google Maps and found one there. Unfortunately, my physical reconnaissance didn’t find it. So I ran down to the one on Oneida.
The B&G left something to be desired. The sausage, egg, and cheese Frescata biscuit left something to be desired, as well. I may have to run out to Hardee’s tomorrow before chemo and try their B&G again. If I don’t care for it, I’ll have to look for my recipes.
I mentioned to Ben that, after having my taste buds messed with, I have problems with eating food that really doesn’t taste all that great. Some of the things I used to eat I can only assume that I ate from habit. I’m eating for taste, now.
Well, it’s off to bed. I want to take a shower first. But, we’ve been experiencing some drain blockage since Ben came. I realize that I have lost some hair, but most of my hair was less than ½” in length. And it’s longer hair that I’ve been pulling out of the drain. Must be Amy’s from when she was here! :-P
I may get a chance to post tomorrow AM, but if not, I’ll post the news from my meeting with the doctor tomorrow evening.
Keep your fingers crossed….
Wishing you the best and keeping you in my thoughts today...not that today is any different from another on those aspects. :P
I really hope chemo goes well, my friend.
That is greatly appreciated, Nettie.
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