Friday, April 25, 2008

New Update

Hi All,

Well, as I'm sure you've imagined, Dad is still in the hospital. They MAY let him go home today, but that remains to be seen. They had to give him more blood on Tuesday, so they have transfused him twice. They are not really sure where he is bleeding.

I hate to say it, but they have said the dreaded word, "hospice." They said it is time to start discussing that, and that when they discharge him, it will most likely be with hospice services set up to come to the house once a day.

I spoke with the nurse last night, and she said Dad's Oncologist said "it looks like things are moving faster than projected," meaning faster than that 3 - 6 month time line they gave us one month ago. BUT, it may also be just a bump in the road and he may rally and improve again, so it remains to be seen.

Once again, he really appreciated your comments to the last post. I am flying to Green Bay on Saturday, and will stay through Monday evening. We'll be able to post more frequently then, cause I can type while Dad talks ;-).




Warren Bluhm said...

Hospice, shmospice. I'm praying for "bump in the road" and making plans to mine H. Ben's mind for insights into anarcho-capitalism while raising a toast next New Year's Eve.

I hope you're feeling better and back on your feet soon, HB.

Anonymous said...

"I hope you're feeling better and back on your feet soon, HB."

That goes double for me. I really enjoyed hearing your voice the other day.