My cousin, Judy, called a day or two ago and wanted to stop by today. As long as she was coming she thought she’d bring her mom, her sister, her daughter, and our uncle. So it turned into quite a get-together.
The family stuff we talked about!!! And knowing me, I had the computer hooked up and we reviewed several websites, including this blog, and a whole mess of photos.
There are sites where I could post a whole mess of those photos, hand out passwords to the site, and you could download to your heart’s content. Especially since some people don’t empty their inbox too terribly often, right Judy? :-P But it would take a while writing the descriptions...
Speaking of pictures, we took a few with all the cameras here and so I thought I’d post one or two. The first one has my Aunt Imogene and Uncle Art seated in the front row, while the back row starts on the left with my cousin, Judy, Judy's daughter, Tabitha, my cousin, Margaret, and I'm not sure who the guy is on the right. We dragged him in off the street. But don't you think his hair and beard are coming in nicely, not too scruffy looking?
The family stuff we talked about!!! And knowing me, I had the computer hooked up and we reviewed several websites, including this blog, and a whole mess of photos.
There are sites where I could post a whole mess of those photos, hand out passwords to the site, and you could download to your heart’s content. Especially since some people don’t empty their inbox too terribly often, right Judy? :-P But it would take a while writing the descriptions...
Speaking of pictures, we took a few with all the cameras here and so I thought I’d post one or two. The first one has my Aunt Imogene and Uncle Art seated in the front row, while the back row starts on the left with my cousin, Judy, Judy's daughter, Tabitha, my cousin, Margaret, and I'm not sure who the guy is on the right. We dragged him in off the street. But don't you think his hair and beard are coming in nicely, not too scruffy looking?
The second picture shows Uncle Art, Aunt Imogene, and that street guy again. Does the German and Norwegian side of the family show at all?
Today hasn’t been too bad. My temp has been just below 100 all day, but the trigger point is 100.5, so I’m cool. Get it, less than 100.5 --“cool.” Boy I hate it when I have to explain the puns!
The stomach still hasn’t given me any trouble, although I do have small aches and pains all over.
The hip joint still hurts when twisted the wrong way but otherwise isn’t too bad. It was kinda funny how solicitous everyone was with me getting up and down all the time. I tried to make them understand that I can do what I’m looking to do; I just have to move slowly to keep from hurting the darn joint.
So, I guess I’m going to start to get ready for bed. I’ve been tired all day. BTW, I have a post in the works that I’m going to need your help with. You’ll see my dilemma. Later!
Kunolunkwa, y te quiero!
Today hasn’t been too bad. My temp has been just below 100 all day, but the trigger point is 100.5, so I’m cool. Get it, less than 100.5 --“cool.” Boy I hate it when I have to explain the puns!
The stomach still hasn’t given me any trouble, although I do have small aches and pains all over.
The hip joint still hurts when twisted the wrong way but otherwise isn’t too bad. It was kinda funny how solicitous everyone was with me getting up and down all the time. I tried to make them understand that I can do what I’m looking to do; I just have to move slowly to keep from hurting the darn joint.
So, I guess I’m going to start to get ready for bed. I’ve been tired all day. BTW, I have a post in the works that I’m going to need your help with. You’ll see my dilemma. Later!
Kunolunkwa, y te quiero!
BTW, Tabitha, I had to run out to the Internet and look up Bewitched to remember your name. Sorry! I can be very bad with names, especially after all that chemotherapy! But I thought that you might get a chuckle out of it!
Very nice photos. Thanks for sharing.
Well, I can take credit for the photos, but I can't take credit for the family. You know the old saying, "You can pick your boss and your friends, but you can't pick your family."
But most of them have turned out pretty good so far! :-D
Now I always heard that a little differently:
You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose. :P
*hmmmm, it won't let me post using the Name/Url option this morning.
You know that you're REALLY GOOD friends when you can pick your friend's nose. *shudder* Or just plain weird!
*private joke* Maybe you're having immigration problems this weekend! :-)
From one of the family I would also like to thank you for the photos.
Det må du gerne! De nada! You're welcome!
The writer of has written a superior article. I got your point and there is nothing to argue about. It is like the following universal truth that you can not disagree with: There?s no such thing as a "dirty" word; words only mean what the listener thinks they mean. I will be back.
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