Remember back when I had pain in the joints and I asked one of the Doctors of the Day if there were something I could take for the joint pain and he kicked me off the PC altogether? That’s how I feel now.
Three years, ten months, three weeks, and three days ago I was crossing a parking lot and I had a spotting truck run into me, knocking me unconscious and putting me in Emergency. My left hip joint was affected at that time. I had a big ol’ bruise on my left thigh. I had various aches and pains for several weeks.
It’s that same joint that is causing me fits right now. At the same time, other joints in my body are aching as well. It’s called a flare. When one hurts, they all hurt. Before, I found that I was low on magnesium. Supplementing my magnesium helped immensely with the joint pain. Right now, I’m not so sure. It’s not working very well.
When this is done, I'm going to soak in a hot bath!
There are thing in my life that I would like to improve. I hope that you have similar goals. Many things I’m pretty good at, depending who you ask, but there is one thing in particular that I would like to improve.
I got some paperwork recently from one of my doctors. Included in with all the documents was a hand-written note. You have to understand; I’ve talked to this woman several times on the phone, three times or so in person, and have seen her husband twice.
But she touched my heart with her note. It was simple:
Dear Ben;
I hope this note finds you doing well. You are such
a strong person. I think about you a lot. God Bless You and look
after you.
You are in my thoughts!
This woman is going through similar issues to those I face. When I’ve seen her, she’s always been in good shape, while she’s has gotten to see me in a variety of conditions. When we’ve talked, I’ve always tried to pass on the things that I’ve found that helped me.
Now, knowing what I know, with one simple note, she brightened my day immensely.
Some day, I would hope to be able to touch people the same way that she has touched me, and made me feel much better.
Kunolunkwa, y te quiero!
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