Saturday, February 16, 2008

I Need A Vacation!

I’ve only been off work for five and a half months; I need a vacation. You see, I’d rather be working than going through what I’m going through.

I decided to take a long hot bath this afternoon. My neuropathy is less intense today, but I found out that my feet really were cold; they just didn’t feel cold. So I wanted to soak them in the hot water.

I climbed into the tub, looked around, and realized that I was whiter than the tub! Except for a few moles, scars, and other pigmentation, I’m very white. Even the purple veins in my feet have gone away. I’m almost an albino! So I figure a couple weeks soaking up some Vitamin D in the sun in Florida might just be the thing I need.

I only have eight more days of radiation, and two weeks of chemo that I know of, then I’m assuming a PET scan (I know, I know), and then I just need to regain my strength before returning to work.

I pretty much stayed in bed today. I kept up my “riding the recliner” routine, so I feel pretty well, not quite so fatigued. I get fatigued quick if I move around too much, so I don’t move around much.

Kunolunkwa, y te quiero!

"As a juror, I will exercise my 1000-year-old duty to arrive at a verdict, not just on the basis of the facts of a particular case, or instructions I am given, but through my power to reason, my knowledge of the Bill of Rights, and my individual conscience. When needful, I will judge the law itself." -L. Neil Smith


Anonymous said...

Seeing as how you guys were down here in May, you wouldn't be that early for your annual Florida vacation! AND we could combine a second opinion from HLee Moffitt Cancer Center into the festivities ;-)! If you come soon, we may be able to go swim with Manatees! P.S. Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. My computer connection has been down for almost a week now. They're sending a tech to the house on Thursday.

-HB said...

Gee, vacationing in Florida. Now there's a thought! ;-)

I don't know how much swimming I could do, I'd have to get a lot stronger before I'd go snorkeling, but I certainly wouldn't mind soaking up some rays.

I'm keeping it in mind. Ben and I have talked briefly about it. But it doesn't help when I can't get a schedule out of my doctors. "There's too many variables."

Anonymous said...

You don't have to snorkel to swim with the manatees! They will come up to you if they want to be scratched, which is often. Plus, we'd have to get you a wet suit to stay warm, and the thicker they are the more they float. We could put you in a wet suit, with a life jacket, and you could just "float" with the manatees. It would be fun ;-)!

-HB said...

If I am going to be in the water, I'll at least have a mask on. And since I'm in the water and need to move around, I'll have fins on as well.

Why do I need another wet suit? I don't recall being that cold in my old one. If it's good enough for Wisconsin lakes in the summer, it should be good enough for Florida rivers in the winter. No?

I'm not being argumentative, just questioning. I'm slowing down quick here and I need to take my pain meds.