Thanks Dad and Nettie for the feedback on my question. While I wasn't just talking about your venting on the blog, Dad, I understand that venting in real life serves the same purpose ;-). I know how stubborn you are, and I just don't want you to hesitate to ask for help or express your needs if/when you feel them.
If your insurance will pay for housing if you go to H. Lee Moffitt in Tampa, can I bill your insurance if you stay with ME ;-)!?!? Just think about it, we may be able to get you some income out of this deal, yet ;-).
Ronnie and Cuz (in the pic above with Dad) gave us each a Danish Christmas beer when they were visiting GB. They wanted feedback once we tasted them. Well, Mike and I shared that beer awhile ago, and I've been forgetting to share my thoughts. Now, mind you, I've never been a beer drinker, so my opinion isn't very experienced. I thought it was good, but a bit strong. The aftertaste reminded me a bit of soy sauce ;-). Mike said it was similar to some of the dark ales he's tasted before. It was very interesting, but not being a beer drinker, I wouldn't be chugging them anytime soon ;-).
On that note, I wanted to share a few pics from my trip home. Also, Dad, Cuz and Ronnie - please email me any pics you took while we were all up there. The first pic above is Dad in his winter PJ's, on the phone, with his stocking cap on. I just like the pic, so thought I'd share ;-).
Dad really enjoyed a T-Shirt Ben and I got him, and said he wanted a pic of it on his blog, so I'm FINALLY posting one. Here it is, Dad, enjoy ;-). It says, "HOMELAND SECURITY: [names of four indian tribes]: FREEDOM IS NOT FREE: FIGHTING TERRORISM." You can see the image for yourself. I'm glad you liked it, Dad ;-).
P.S. How did 1st day of radiation go?
Ronny looks good, Ben looks good, what happened to me?
HEY!!!! That's what I said!
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