I’ve been asleep most of the day; it helps with the fatigue. And right now, while I can sleep, I have been taking advantage of it. Besides, I don’t feel the side effects of the chemo when I’m sleeping. I’m still waiting for the radiation side effects to kick in.
But then, while sleeping, I don’t get a whole lot done, either.
I’ve started to use a lotion provided by the Radiation therapists to be proactive with my skin care. But I find I have trouble reaching everywhere to apply it. There must be some sort of applicator that can allow me to apply lotion all the way round my chest and back. Anyone have any ideas?
And don’t forget about that Name That Tumor contest!!
My son, several years ago, got me a Sudoku program for my little pocket pc. As I’ve said here before, I love Sudoku. It’s a logic puzzle that’s very simple, but can require great thought. It’s taught me a lot about thinking.
The pocket version of Sudoku includes the ability to change the numbers into colored tiles. For some reason, for me and my chemo brain, I can run through an easy game of Sudoku using the colored tiles in as little as 4 minutes. Using the numbers, it takes me almost twice as long; different part of the brain involved, I guess.
So, today there’s a knock at the door; the postman had left a package from Nettie! I was expecting something from her; she had said in a comment she was sending something to brighten my day, my way.
Well, she did, and it did! Nettie sent me a quilt! And that’s even after I found errors in her “masterpiece.”
I opened the box, pulled out the quilt, and was stunned. I didn’t know what to say, which is pretty unusual for me. The first words out of Ben’s mouth when he saw it was, “That’s pretty!” And I couldn’t agree more. And I didn’t even think of “inspecting” it!! :-)
That’s when I realized that it was in the form of a Sudoku puzzle, correctly solved BTW, with brightly colored tiles. I don’t know if that were intentional or not, but I just LOVE it. I do love the bright colors, as well. I’m sure that you must have noted the bright Mexican blankets in some of the photos of the dogs and me.
So, I had to take a picture of it to share here, and immediately after that, I straightened up my bed and put it on top where I’ll always be able to see it. I slept under it all afternoon.
Thank you, Nettie! You don’t know how much this means to me.
My friend, Nancy, called to see how I was doing tonight, so I told her about the quilt. Her husband, Rawley, had been my best friend and hunting buddy. I think I liked him so much because he was the older brother I never had. But, in addition to that, he had what I just call a “good heart.”
Talking to Nancy was when I realized that Nettie and Rawley were quite similar; Nettie has that same “good heart” quality. I wish that I were more like both of them. Someday, maybe I will be.
So, Thanks again, for your beautiful and generous gift. I think this is the brightest quilt that I’ve seen you make. I love it!
But then, while sleeping, I don’t get a whole lot done, either.
I’ve started to use a lotion provided by the Radiation therapists to be proactive with my skin care. But I find I have trouble reaching everywhere to apply it. There must be some sort of applicator that can allow me to apply lotion all the way round my chest and back. Anyone have any ideas?
And don’t forget about that Name That Tumor contest!!
My son, several years ago, got me a Sudoku program for my little pocket pc. As I’ve said here before, I love Sudoku. It’s a logic puzzle that’s very simple, but can require great thought. It’s taught me a lot about thinking.
The pocket version of Sudoku includes the ability to change the numbers into colored tiles. For some reason, for me and my chemo brain, I can run through an easy game of Sudoku using the colored tiles in as little as 4 minutes. Using the numbers, it takes me almost twice as long; different part of the brain involved, I guess.
So, today there’s a knock at the door; the postman had left a package from Nettie! I was expecting something from her; she had said in a comment she was sending something to brighten my day, my way.

I opened the box, pulled out the quilt, and was stunned. I didn’t know what to say, which is pretty unusual for me. The first words out of Ben’s mouth when he saw it was, “That’s pretty!” And I couldn’t agree more. And I didn’t even think of “inspecting” it!! :-)
That’s when I realized that it was in the form of a Sudoku puzzle, correctly solved BTW, with brightly colored tiles. I don’t know if that were intentional or not, but I just LOVE it. I do love the bright colors, as well. I’m sure that you must have noted the bright Mexican blankets in some of the photos of the dogs and me.
So, I had to take a picture of it to share here, and immediately after that, I straightened up my bed and put it on top where I’ll always be able to see it. I slept under it all afternoon.
Thank you, Nettie! You don’t know how much this means to me.
My friend, Nancy, called to see how I was doing tonight, so I told her about the quilt. Her husband, Rawley, had been my best friend and hunting buddy. I think I liked him so much because he was the older brother I never had. But, in addition to that, he had what I just call a “good heart.”
Talking to Nancy was when I realized that Nettie and Rawley were quite similar; Nettie has that same “good heart” quality. I wish that I were more like both of them. Someday, maybe I will be.
So, Thanks again, for your beautiful and generous gift. I think this is the brightest quilt that I’ve seen you make. I love it!
You're welcome, my friend. Yes, it was an intentional Sudoku quilt. LOL
And to think in one of your posts you asked if I could get my package back. :P
That IS gorgeous! I can't imagine having the patience, talent, or time to make something like that ;-)!
That is awesome. I have always wanted to make one myself but but but but but but I have too many buts.
What a beautiful quilt! I'm sure it warms you in at least two ways.
thank you for the message! I don't remember me asking if you were going to be my grandpa! It made me laugh ALOT!!!
Nettie, may I say, "Yay!! I was right about the quilt!" And observant. I love it when that happens.
I was talkin about how my anti-cancer meds said I couldn't be exposed to sunshine and you had said you were sending something to "brighten my day." Sunshine does that! So I thought you might have to take your sunshine back. But your qullt brightened my day just as well and it isn't contra-indicated by my meds!!
Thanks, again, for the lovely quilt, and the thought that went into it. I'm under it right now!!
And, yes Sunni, it DOES warm me two ways at once. I actually awoke this AM feeling the best I have been in a while. Of course that quickly wore off once I was up, but I'd like to believe that it was the quilt I slept under. If I could only wake that way every day....
And, for my new friend Emilia, I was glad to hear that I had made you laugh. I like to make people laugh, because I like to laugh. I realize that you were too young to remember, but I wanted you to know that you had made me laugh back then. And thank you for sharing some of your time with me that night. Your brother, Zach, was too busy playing with Jordan, so I appreciated talking with you.
Now, to this day, every time I think about that night, I will at least chuckle, if not laugh outright. So, thank you for being a part of my memories.
And tell your Mom and Grandma that I said, "HI" for me.
OOPS, you came close. Zach is the cousin, Isaac is the brother!
I wish you could have seen and heard her reaction to your message - priceless!
Way to go Nettie, the quilt is very nice! I've shown the picture to my mom and daughter (also quilters) - they love it.
"Zach-aree," "i-Zach," I thought I was pretty close. It has been six years this coming March. And, as I said, Isaac didn't have much time to play with that old guy! He was busy with other things.
And it's not as if we haven't talked about the kids since that day six years ago. So, Mea Culpa! Please make any necessary apologies for me and blame it on my "Chemobrain."
I had checked my archives to be sure about the spelling, but didn't pick up on the right family issue!
I had somebody from over Nettie's way get to my blog by doing a search on 'Sudoku Quilt Photos' so I took a look at what they saw. There's a lot of Sudoku quilts out there! Mine still looks the best, though. But, after seeing all the others, I don't feel quite so bright about figuring it out that it was a Sudoku pattern. LOL
Why shouldn't you feel as bright for figuring it out? If it helps you any, I didn't have a pattern other than a finished sudoku puzzle when I made it. :P
Thanks to everyone for their wonderful comments. You're all wonderful for my ego. :-D
"Why shouldn't you feel as bright for figuring it out?"
I don't know. But if it's common knowledge amongst quilters, I guess I ain't as smart as I thought I was for figuring it out.
But other than your quilts, I haven't been out to see the quilts on that other site for quite some time, now. Other things on my mind.
I complimented the Radiation techs the other day on the way they worked together so well. I explained to them that I liked to reward good work when I see it. Apparently, there are a few other folks like me!
So enjoy the ego boost! You deserve it! :-)
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