- Your anti-cancer drug can cause stomach pain, and
- Your tumor causes pain when it is compressed by food and/or gas, and
- Radiation therapy can cause pain in a 'minimal' margin around the outside of the tumor where healthy tissue gets irradiated, and
- Hunger can cause stomach pain, and
- You have stomach pain?
I don’t know, either. So, I’m back taking the pain meds and trying to eat, hoping that things resolve themselves.
After my second night back on my old sleeping pills, I woke about 6AM to visit the little boy’s room. I went back to bed and tried to sleep some more, but it didn’t end up being normal sleep. Really strange feelings….
When I did get up, I found that, as good as I had felt the last couple of days fatigue-wise, I felt exactly the opposite today. Really wasted! The only thing that I can figure is that these are part of the withdrawal symptoms of the Temazepam.
So, here I am, really tired, sleep-wise, and really fatigued. I wanted to stay awake so I can sleep tonight but I had a hard time doing so. Just typing this makes me want to sleep. It doesn’t help that I’m lying down in my bed typing this, either. So, I took another long hot bath and read a book. Something that required some concentration, but not too much.
Am I making any sense at all? That’s how tired I am.
Tomorrow’s lab tests will tell me if I’m to go back on the rat poison. And Tuesday starts the new Round 3.
Oh, and BTW, kunolunkwa!
"As a juror, I will exercise my 1000-year-old duty to arrive at a verdict, not just on the basis of the facts of a particular case, or instructions I am given, but through my power to reason, my knowledge of the Bill of Rights, and my individual conscience. When needful, I will judge the law itself." -L. Neil Smith
In answer to "what do you when.....", I don't have the tumor or cancer part, but several of the other symptoms have been present at times. That's when I either eat ICE CREAM, or consume large quantities of alcohol.
Each has their own side-effect, but each feels good at the time.
You know, I forgot that one doctor of the day had said that ice cream would become my "best friend." But I've been trying to stay away from cold foods. Warm feels a lot better.
As for alcohol, do you have to tease me like that? :-) Oh how I would love to have just a couple of stiff ones on an empty stomach so they would hit quick, hit hard, but leave no "ill" effects the next day. I'm already unsteady enough....
I guess I just need something to look forward to. LOL
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