Friday, December 14, 2007

It Is As I Suspected.

I finally took matters into my own hands. Since I was at the ABMC Hospital for my latest PET scan, I decided to talk to the Medical Records Department. I approached the Front Desk and asked for directions to their office. I was informed that they had no “reception area” and that they would call them for me. So, I talked to a young lady who was very helpful. She told me there was no record of my requests for records. I explained that that was the problem; I had requested my records two months ago.

She got me to start filling out Authorization For Disclosure Of Health Information reports provided by the Front Desk and she came down to help me. Since I was looking for records from three different areas—Hospital, VLCC, and Clinic—I would have to fill out three different forms!

We discussed what it was that I wanted—all my records including CD copies of CT. PET, and X-ray scans—and she stated that she would have the paper copies ready for me after my PET scan today. In all honesty, she did state that the CD records might take a little longer.

I did pick up my records after my PET scan, but there were no CDs included in the package. I’m hoping that they will be forthcoming. But I’m pessimistic about that. A pessimist is someone who is right more often that not, and when he is wrong, it’s usually a pleasant surprise.

I checked my previous posts and I did tell you that I was told that the girl who “takes care of those types of things” would correct my name on Wednesday. Today is Friday. Although my records all have my name correct in the body of the reports, the headers all have me listed as Benjamin H! Even my wrist tag for the procedure today has me listed as Benjamin H. WTF! How hard do I have to hit them to get my name right? Maybe I do need a lawyer. Amy, let’s talk about that when you get here.


Remember when I said I took a break and my DVD player stopped playing sound? I found out what happened. Describing the situation to Ben when he got home and responding to his questions, I was checking my equipment. Apparently, what happened was while I was out of the room, one of the cats decided to “mark” my receiver/amplifier by rubbing his cheek/jaw on the side of the case. Unfortunately, he happened to hit the knob controlling the input, so the equipment was looking for input from my Auxiliary input channel instead of my Video 1 channel. Duh!


Going through my records I’m amazed at the difference between what I remember happened and what the doctor reports had happened. Apparently, I have had problems that I never could have reported to the doctor because I have absolutely NO recollection of ever having that particular problem. Ayyyy!


There was a bright spot today. I had the opportunity to stop by the home of una amiga from my days at the Sweatshop. We had lost contact after I left that account and she left that job, so it was nice to talk with her and meet her Significant Other and their beautiful 3-month-old daughter!! She was so cute! The baby, Daniela (I believe that’s how it is spelled.) ‘Course, mom was looking pretty good, too. But I had a good talk with the happy family. The SO seemed like a pretty nice guy, too. We had a great talk.

Did I mention that baby Daniela was so cute! I want one!! Can you believe they wouldn’t let me take her home with me? But, at least I did get a chance to make her laugh. Mom and Dad might have thought me nuts, but I had Daniela laughing! I still got it! :-D And, like any set of proud parents, I got to see a bunch of baby pictures.

I had picked up a little Santa outfit to fit a 3 – 6-month-old baby for Daniela. She is 3 months but a little on the small side, 6 pounds, 6 ounces and 19” at birth. I’m hoping it will fit. But it matched the Santa hat I was wearing. I’m looking forward to seeing pictures of Daniela in her outfit.

They mentioned stopping by before Christmas. I’ll see if they will let me post a picture of Daniela, then.

Feliz Navidad!

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