Monday, December 3, 2007

Bad Day 4

But not as bad as the last three! I’ve been up and down a lot more today than the last three days. That has to mean that I’m getting better, or getting used to it. :-) But I’m still not ready to do much of anything but vegetate. And I just realized that I have a headache. When you try to block it all out, sometimes it works. Now that I’m thinking about it, it rears its ugly head. Gah!!

I still have the muscle weakness although the shakes have decreased somewhat. My complete alimentary tract has been affected. The mucosa of the mouth has changed character almost overnight. The two “white-covered” sores have shed their cover and are now red, and hurt with the introduction of food. Actually, I consider that good. However, the back of my throat had turned a mottled red and could presage more sores. And, any acid in the mouth now causes pain, as does hot items. So the peppermint tea that I’m trying to drink has to cool a lot more!

The lower GI tract still continues to give problems—not often enough to be a big problem, just an annoying one—that requires the use of the Lonox/Lomotil. Remind me to buy stock in Big Pharm, will you?

My temperature has been consistently at least one degree lower than your “normal” over the last few days. However, the last few hours my temp has proceeded to climb, taking me to your “normal” and surpassing that slightly. That would explain why I have started to sweat, but my feet are still freezing. Go figure!

Since an elevated temp is necessary to get any action from the doctors in the way of any intervention, we’ll have to see what tonight and tomorrow brings.

I’m using bigger words and getting verbose; that means my mind is coming back somewhat as well. Not enough to even bring to mind the things that I wanted to accomplish today, until now, however. Darn! Remind me to use my pocket PC for a To-Do list, will you?

Because it takes me quite a while to marshal my thoughts sometimes, I put together a series of items I want to say in a draft and add to it as I think of things. I was doing that two weekends ago for an email that I haven’t gotten around to yet (SORRY) when I ran across a quote by Mark Twain. Now, I have an online friend who likes to quote Twain, so I have a tendency to pay attention when I read Twain. And it was one that I wanted to use in that email, but I’m going to use it here.

I am aware that when even the brightest mind in our world has been trained up from childhood in a superstition of any kind, it will never be possible for that mind, in its maturity, to examine sincerely, dispassionately, and conscientiously any evidence or any circumstance which shall seem to cast a doubt upon the validity of that superstition.
Now, Will Rogers is credited with putting it another way, "It's not what we don't know that hurts, it's what we do know that ain't so." I’ve always tried to break out of my “superstitions” and look at things as objectively as possible, although there are some who will disagree with me.

BTW, I say ‘credited’ with the quote, because I have read some disagreement about the source. It doesn’t mean that he didn’t say it, though.

One of the signer’s of that treasonous, anti-government document, the Declaration of Independence, Dr. Benjamin Rush (a medical doctor) is “credited” with having warned us against our current situation over two hundred years ago:

Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others: The Constitution of this Republic should make a special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.


Anonymous said...

Hey, don't forget to buy stock in Big Pharm.....

Oh, don't forget to use your pocket PC for a To-Do list - and especially don't forget to check your pocket PC - or it won't matter that you entered a To-Do list.

Snuggle under your blankets and get some rest.

-HB said...

Now’s a fine time to tell me! I guess I'll have to try to do better tomorrow. :-D

But I did get the dishes done, so I must be feeling better. And I apologize for not posting tonight. I had company this afternoon/evening and started the dishes afterward. It took me a while to get them done, having to sit down every now and again.

Tomorrow is my follow up with NP Nancy. In twelve hours actually. So I’m going to be concentrating on that for right now.


Anonymous said...

Well? How'd the visit with NP Nancy go?

Enquiring minds want to know.