Sunday, December 2, 2007

Bad Day 3

Just an update on me, today is as bad as yesterday. So I’ve spent the last 3 days in the recliner. My temperature is below normal, so it wouldn’t appear that I am “sick” although I do have a cough. And I’m down about 10 pounds, 184 this AM. Oh, well.

I did get dressed and went out to get the snow blower started. I tried to tell Ben how to do it from memory, but we know how that works, don’t we? I needed to see the unit. I was pleasantly surprised that my efforts last spring made starting it pretty easy this time. As it was, Ben spent an awful lot of time out there doing what I’ve always done for myself. Do you know how frustrating that was for me?

But I’m still having trouble moving around. My muscles once they get started just keep shaking, especially the thigh muscles. Don’t know why, but I may call a nurse or something tomorrow.

Tonight, I’m going to take a hot bath and hit the sack.

PS: There are folks who are coming to visit during the holidays and they'd like to make plans to see who they can see when they are here. If'n you're going to be headig this way, to see me or the family, let me know so I can pass the info on: who, when, etc. Today, Amy said she should be showing up before Round 5 starts. I'm looking forward to it.


Anonymous said...


I breaks my heart to hear you're having such a rough time of it.

Not that it makes anything better but you're in my thoughts.

I'm glad you have your son, and soon your daughter, with you.

Anonymous said...

I plan to leave Tampa late on 12/14 or very early on 12/15/07, and so should be there by 12/17 for sure. Since I'm driving, I haven't really decided how long I'm staying, but probably through the New Year unless folks get sick of me sooner ;-).

-HB said...

Thanks, Nettie. I'm glad to know that you are thinking of me.

Please understand that my intent is not to evoke sympathy for myself, but to keep my friends and family informed, or "prepared," as one family member stated.

What I am going through is to be expected when the current Conventional Medicine paradigm is to inject poisonous drugs into a cancerous body, hoping to kill the cancer before killing the patient.

It's all my fault, though. I hadn't made plans and done the research to protect myself from the Conventional Medicine practitioners. And it's kinda hard to do it now. So, despite extenuating circumstances, it is all my fault.

My only hope would be that what I am going through would prompt someone else to reevaluate what they know, looking for better answers for themselves. I can offer some help there once I'm feeling better.

It's funny, I read your coment while I was lying in bed last night playing with my Pocket PC, waiting for sleep, and my sleeping pills, to overtake my consciousness via Wi-Fi link through my LAN to the Internet. I even made a reply, but couldn't get it to post. I was surprised that I could think well enough to get to the Internet; it didn't surprise me that I couldn't figure out why I couldn't post.

One of my comments last night was that pretty soon, I'd be able to do everything I need to do from a bed. Maybe, I'd better hold off on that comment. :-D

And my fingers are still crossed (can't you tell by my typing, OK, I do a lot of proofreading, right now I need to) concerning Aleah!

Amycita, thanks for giving me something to look forward to. And drive carefully!

BTW, I am feeling a little better today, but I'm still plumb tuckered out. I've eaten, taken most of my drugs and supplements, and hydrated (maybe not enough though...) but this is still tiring. My bath last night wore me out! I'm going to go lay down somewhere for a while. I'll post more later.

Anonymous said...

I know your intent isn't to invoke sympathy. I'm not even sure 'sympathy' would be he correct description of what I feel. Helpless, sad, infuriated, too damn far away....those would be better words. :-)

Thanks for the finger crossing. We've had no word yet. *sigh*

-HB said...

"We've had no word yet. *sigh*"

Damn! Still hopin'!