Well I know this topic isn't necessarily relevant to Dad's cancer, but many of the folks who read this may be interested in it, so i'm gonna post about it. My girl dog, Mia, has had a bad leg for awhile, due to mal-treatment as a pup. On 11/4/07, her knee finally blew. So, to repair it, she had surgery yesterday, and came home today. This is relevant to Dad and others who will be in Green Bay for Christmas, 'cause now I'm driving up there for the holidays for sure (instead of flying) and my monsters are coming with me, since she has 16 weeks of gradual recovery. I'll be regularly doing her physical therapy through Christmas. Dad, is there any way to rig up a small swimming pool in your basement ;-)? And yeah! This will give Dad TONS of more critter-cuddling therapy ;-).
Now begins my hell because i have to keep her relatively immobile and gradually get her walking on it. As Dad and Ben can tell you, this dog does NOT slow down, so this will be interesting....
If you're visiting GB for the holidays, not only will you get to see Dad, Ben and I, but my beloved monsters, as well ;-)!.
Please wish Mia well, and wish me peace and sanity in trying to keep her calm and sedate ;-).
How big is a "small" pool? How deep? I'm guessing you want it deep enough for her to need to "swim," thereby exercising that back leg.
My sympathies on your trials with Mia. I know what it's like to be slowed down when all you want to do is run, which can make life heck for those trying to take care of you. :-D
Duh! I just now realized that Mia has been shaved, which is why she looks so strange. She didn't get shaved enough so we could consider her an Mexican hairless, though.
That's what I'm calling my new look!
Actually, that right rear leg IS completely shaved. It just doesn't look like it 'cause the color pattern of her skin is identical to the color pattern of her hair. I've always joked about shaving her or Maz bare so I could see the stripped skin. I'd never do it, but this is a peek ;-). She hates, it, though. I've found her trying to get that leg under the covers in bed or blanket on the couch. I think it makes her cold.
Without my beard and my "normal" fringe of hair around my head, I get cold pretty easy, too. So I end up wearing a thin black stocking cap like the kids do to keep me warm around the house. But then we keep the temp about 65-68 degrees.
'Course, when Amy is here, we'll have to turn the furnace up to 90 or so just to keep her warm. :-D And the dogs, too.
I repeat, "How big is a 'small' pool?"
Well, I'm not sure how big. We haven't gotten that far yet ;-)! I know swimming is recommended. I also know I'll be doing massage and range of motion exercises with her, and its good to warm the muscles up first by soaking in warm water. Now, if its JUST for that, depending on how much of a mess you're willing to tolerate ;-), the bathtub would work fine. The swimming, though, would need something bigger than the bathtub, I can imagine.
what kind of mosters are they, seems i have seen teh breed before just cant place it, i am a dog/animal nut.
The one in the pics here, that had surgery, is a Pitt Bull. Don't worry, I know of all the horror stories, but she is as sweet as can be and would never hurt anyone. My other dog is a Dutch Shepherd. He's the one in the earlier pic laying on top of my Dad.
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