You see, I went to bed relatively late last night: midnight. I’d been up going through my old files, getting rid of stuff that I’ll never need again. Sorting and shredding; shredding and sorting.
Anyway, I slept through my alarm for my 2:00AM meds and didn’t wake up until 5:30AM. So I didn’t get my overnight double dose of PC. Being tired and not thinking clearly, I just took my normal single dose for my 6:00AM meds. Apparently, that wasn’t good enough. So, I’ve felt poorly all morning, along with a very specific point of pain.
So, you know I feel bad when I don’t even want to post to my blog! As the saying goes, “Some days you’re the windshield; some days you’re the bug.” Today, I’m the bug.
Oh, I picked up another pill box to load my pills in for the day, by the hours I'm supposed to take them. That way, I'll know if I took my meds in the middle of the night and forgot about it, or not. Now, where's those darn M&Ms? :-)
I shaved yesterday. My beard was getting patchy from all the hair falling out so I decided it was time. Especially after seeing my beard all over my keyboard.

Gosh, do I look different! I’ll wait until more of the hair on my head falls out before I shave that and then I’ll post a pic. But Amy, prepare yourself for the horror! Maybe it's time for my mask.
Speaking of my hair, I was wearing black fleece yesterday when I took a walk over to the Men’s Mall. I happened to look at my shoulders out in the sun. All the white hair shining on that black fleece nearly blinded me. I couldn’t believe it hadn’t all fallen out from the looks of my shoulders. So, after some violent brushing, I decided I could proceed with my errand.
I’m going to go eat, now, and watch Young Frankenstein. I mentioned before it had been recommended to me, and since “laughter is the best medicine” I was hoping it could help me today.
I may get back to this later today.
I shaved yesterday. My beard was getting patchy from all the hair falling out so I decided it was time. Especially after seeing my beard all over my keyboard.

Gosh, do I look different! I’ll wait until more of the hair on my head falls out before I shave that and then I’ll post a pic. But Amy, prepare yourself for the horror! Maybe it's time for my mask.
Speaking of my hair, I was wearing black fleece yesterday when I took a walk over to the Men’s Mall. I happened to look at my shoulders out in the sun. All the white hair shining on that black fleece nearly blinded me. I couldn’t believe it hadn’t all fallen out from the looks of my shoulders. So, after some violent brushing, I decided I could proceed with my errand.
I’m going to go eat, now, and watch Young Frankenstein. I mentioned before it had been recommended to me, and since “laughter is the best medicine” I was hoping it could help me today.
I may get back to this later today.
V: You said you wanted to live without fear. I wish there'd been an easier way, but there wasn't.
It would be nice to live without fear; but fear is as necessary part of life as breathing, as long as we don't let it control us. It makes us cautious when we need to be.
We hope for the best, and plan for the worst. Then we cut the cards and take our chances.
Assuming that 'living without fear' is 'peace,' I'd like to respond with a couple of quotes that showed up in my inbox this AM.
"He who wants peace must prepare for war." -- Claudius
[Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus] (10 BC-54 AD) fourth Roman Emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty.
"To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." -- George Washington (1732-1799) Founding Father, 1st US President, 'Father of the Country'
I was going for a V for Vendetta quote fest... but along your vein... I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it.
Dwight David Eisenhower
That's right, that's a quote V made to Evie, wasn't it?
I was waiting to see how many people we confused. But now that the cat's out of the bag (Who put him in there?), let's try this!
"Remember, remember, the Fifth of November; the Gunpowder Treason and plot. I know of no reason the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot." -V
It's interesting to note that V made the to 50 Dystopian Movies of all time. See for more info. It's number 23.
Also interesting is that I have, in my personal DVD collection, 18 of the 50 movies. Looks like I'm missing a few.
For those who don't know what "dystopian" means, it's the opposite of "Utopian." So basically it's a movie where society is less than desirable.
People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.
That's why the movie was considered "dystopian." Having to fear your government is as far from utopia as it can get.
In the same vein as your quote, Thomas Jefferson hit the nail upon the head when he said, “If the government fear the people, that is LIBERTY, if the people fear the government, that is TYRANNY.” The emphasis is mine.
For example, I'm concerned that I will be going to the airport to pick up my daughter while wearing a "fanny pack" (why is it that they're always worn in the front? Shouldn't it then be called a "belly pack?") that contains a little computerized pump, a bag of fluid, and tubing running inside my shirt. Like the coed in this article,, I won't be in any "sensitive" areas being there just to pick up an incoming passenger, and I won't be trying to exercise a First Amendment right to display art as a form of free speech; just simply trying to stay alive a while longer.
But we don't have that right anymore, do we? We have to fear what the PTB (Powers That Be) may take offense at. Maybe I should wear this t-shirt,, along with the fanny pack. Or would I be "provoking" the Jack Booted Thugs (JBT) for exercising MY right to free speech along with my the right to try to stay alive?
I would say you should save the T-shirt for another day when you are pumpless.
Awwww, but Mom-m-m-m!!!
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