Saturday, September 15, 2007

I've Lost 8 Pounds, Overnight!

Yes, I'm up but I'm draggin'.

Yesterday I weighed 192. One day later, I'm at 184. Who'd a figgurred?

Remember all that water I was sucking up? I guess it's not needed right now, so most of it came out last night. Up and down, all last night. I'm tired, folks!

And I think I doubled up on my overnight meds as well. That's OK, I don't think the Carafate is that big a deal and I had cut back on the Vicodin anyway. But my point is I'm going to have to figure out something, like my pill tray, to keep track of the liquid meds. Any suggestions? Something I don't have to think about too much at one AM. The meds I take at the alarms are probably OK; it's the stuff I might take "just because I'm up" that has me worried.

Well, I'm gonna go take my Vicodin--It's OK, it's my scheduled dose--and rest a little more. And push the fluids, I guess.

Hasta Luego!


Çuzanne Larson Malliett Finnerup said...

I would say, get some little colored balls you can put in with your pills in the pill box. I don't know how many liquid meds you have but red can stand for one med and blue for another, etc. Put a strip of colored tape on the corresponding bottle. Here's the tricky part, swallow the pills but not the colored ball. Put the red ball next to the red bottle, measure and drink.

Anonymous said...

If these are drugs you 'might take because you are up' rather than scheduled doses, what about a piece of paper next to your pill tray that you can put a checkmark on if/when you take the medication in the middle of the night? A different column for each med.

Anonymous said...

I vote for a private nurse - she can worry about which med to take when -- and perhaps you can even ask for a massage?