Thursday, September 20, 2007

Comment Replies.

I see that I go off and get almost nine hours of sleep and all heck breaks out on my blog comments. LOL!

Rather than addressing them individually, I’d like to address them here.

I did sleep pretty well last night. I am still tired though. There were times in the past when I would lay half awake between my 2:00AM and 6:00AM meds, listening to my very own internal “white noise generator.” A lot of that seems to have gone away. It seemed like it lasted only one hour or so last night.

So, let’s run out to the comments on “Sticky Schedule.”

Amy, let’s do your Shrek marathon when you come home. You guys have me all curious now about the comparisons. How does flatulence compare to “wit and charm?” I could see a comparison with flatulence and onions! (I miss my stir-fried onions and scrambled eggs for breakfast, *sniff, sniff*) But it sounds like Amy understood the reference, so I guess I’ll just have to wait for the movie. You do have me very curious here, Robin.

And, I can confess to understanding the reference to being somewhat of a loner and a recluse, but I still look for human companionship as evidenced by this blog. My sincere thanks to everyone participating in it.

I’ve always been proud of the fact that I can’t recall a single incident where my kids have had to storm off and slam the door between them and their father, severing communication for even a short while. I prefer to communicate; something that ogres are not inclined to do. So thank you for that, Amy.

How do I describe Nettie? How DO I describe Nettie? As one Browncoat, Mal Reynolds, stated, "You can't open the book of my life, and jump in the middle." But, I’ll let you in for a peek.

There once was a local forum that I frequented, more or less under my real name. This forum was known for quite some time as a place where one could engage in conversation, sometimes spirited conversation, but always civilized conversation. But, as Rawley used to say, “Things change.” That’s another story, however.

There was this one forumite, who, while we seldom commented on the same subjects, I had plenty of opportunity to read her comments and really enjoyed her style.

Years later, on another local forum, under a different name, I did get the chance to discuss issues with another forumite whose familiar style I also enjoyed. While discussing some things off-forum, she mentioned having been on the original forum under a different name. It didn’t take me long to figure out who she was!

Now, most of you know that I don’t usually kiss and tell—another Browncoat line, “So there IS kissing involved.”—but Nettie and I have met only once. She happened to get over this way with her daughter, son, and grandson. After a couple of hours talking with her and her family at a local McD’s, I felt like I was leaving family when they left.

And the “kissing” involved her grandson, who had to kiss me when we parted. I was deeply touched.

One of Nettie’s sig lines runs this way, “"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." That line says a lot about Nettie. When she takes a position, you know that it’s because, for her, it’s the right thing to do. Not because it’s expedient, not because other people think so, but because she thinks so!

Now, we don’t always agree, but that doesn’t matter. I respect and admire her, and the positions she takes. Most folks I can say that about I have had a personal relationship with. Nettie gets to be the exception; for us, we’ve communicated primarily on-line. She once mentioned that it is rare that we can meet someone online and connect as well as we have.

I value her friendship, and despite the pain that this situation might cause her, there was no way I could go through this without sharing it with Nettie. From her sense of humor and her intelligence, I think that you can see why.

Now, for the Browncoats reference; years ago, Fox ran a show for one season called Firefly. I remember I actually did get to see some scenes from the TV show while it was on when Amy was home for Christmas. But without any reference, it was just more TV trash; until it started making a revival on DVD via referrals over the Internet. It became a cult phenomenon.

I brought the set home one week before Ben showed up with his set one weekend, asking me if I’d heard of it. The show appeals to a certain kind of people. To my kind of people.

Kris, I am finding out that chemo isn’t fun, for a variety of reasons. BTW, the “ex-wife” thing was just to help folks like Nettie who don’t have the program listing names and relationships. As I said, I don’t usually kiss and tell so Nettie has very little info about my family, other than us proud parents talking about the kids, if you know what I mean.

As for the reasons why I’m a little “stubborn” about things like pain meds, well that goes back to childhood, and can wait for another day. But your point is taken. I wasn’t complaining about your actions, other than a bit of teasing. I was pointing out how I need to have things pointed out to me rather strongly sometimes. Which is why I’ve always liked the strong, “sassy,” women types.

As of today, my directions for dosing with Packer Candy are 1 to 2 tabs every 3-4 hours. Quite a bit different than the 1 tab every six hours I started out with. I called when it was necessary, but the level that triggers that call may very well be changing.

I did eat my toasted cheese sandwich today while Ben was still here. It was good. Ben even said tath it smelled good. But, just eating a sandwich shouldn’t cause shaking in the limbs, but I guess it was necessary to know. I may stop off for some Chinese noodles this afternoon when I’m out.

See, I’m eating more! Toasted cheese and noodles, and all in one day.

I do have some yogurt, including wonder yogurt, in the fridge, and had been eating it prior to Tuesday. Lord knows what all that bacteria was doing in there, though. I hate to get started back too soon until I know the diarrhea-thing has gone away.

And thanks, Nettie, I still do have your number. Just ask my kids, one of my faults is that I never throw anything away. But I appreciate you offer to talk. So don’t be surprised if I do take you up on it.

I’m off to get my haircut. I found out that Cisplatin might not cause me to lose my hair. See what I mean about conflicting data. So, rather than walk around getting all shaggy, I’ll get it trimmed so that it can fall out neatly trimmed. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Awwwww, made me blush.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Ben and the boys are with you now. Aren't they all wonderful? Of course, our Ben is the best, but as cats, Mouse and Himmee are very fine as well. Mouse loves to come and visit here, so I know what you mean, Hal, when you mention getting to the brushing stage. Mouse knows how to comfort, and Himmee is an innocent "little"(!?) creature.
Just thinking about Ben makes me feel more calm, and being near him is even more satisfying.
I took no offense to your reference to the wisdom teeth experience.
Your friend Nettie is right when she asks you not to deny yourself comfort now. Pain control is very individual and changes frequently, just as she said.
Yes, "stubborn" it is. You even give a new definition to the word, I would say. (smile).
All mine,

-HB said...

Nettie, I'm a firm believer that good people should be recognized as good people. It's something that I don't do often enough, so thank you for letting me practice on you!

Kris, I am enjoying having Ben here with me. And his cats as well. Mouse jumped up in my lap when I was on the phone with Nancy last night looking to get, and to give, some attention, just a purring away. He's not that big a cat but with the way I was sitting and the energy he was showing, and I had only one hand available, he was having trouble staying on my lap. But I wanted to talk to Nancy so he left after a while. I'm sure he'll be back.

It is nice to have cats around the house, again.

Anonymous said...

"Its nice to have cats around the house again" WHAT!?!?! This from the guy who never wanted one in the first place ;-)!?! Wow, if your feelings have changed that much, do you want a kitten? I know one that's looking for his forever-home ;-)! I could put him in a carrier and fly him up there with me ;-).

-HB said...

Momentito, mi hija! It IS nice to have them around again. When have I ever NOT liked animacules?

I loved your Mom's cat, Fritz. Especially after he fought off white shepherd rescue your mom got me one year for my birthday when it attacked your mom and baby brother.

And I hand fed 'my' chipmunk at the old place for two years, and I have squirrels and rabbits all over the place here. Wanna see my pictures?

And you know how I admire both you and Ben for taking care of the animals that you guys do; Ben with his special-needs cat and you with your rescues.

But there is a difference between "having around" and "being responsible for" one of God's critters. I let the squirrels and rabbits take care of themselves, but I give them a hand from time to time with the food situation.

And you know how I hated having to give up my lab, Otsitsi, when changes at work made a twelve-hour separation unbearable for her.

I just don't think that taking on more responsibilities right now is a good idea for me. But thank you for asking.

Çuzanne Larson Malliett Finnerup said...

“stubborn” I consider it a family trait, cause I'm stubborn too, ;-) just ask Ronny.
I agree with you on the fact that you have Critters, the wild and independant kind. I also have said that a cat would fit in with you as well, they are also independant but with a cuddle side. Now dogs, I can understand you not wanting to take on that responsiblity now. A dogs that needs to fit in with your wants, needs and life style is tricky. One that doesn't care that your gone a lot, but is stll glad when you are home, oh ya and sassy. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

-HB said...

Maybe it has something to do with Mother's side of the family: German und Norwegian. I've always heard that that is a good mix for stubborn. And it must work pretty well; all mom's side of the family is still alive while only Aunt Lois is left from Dad's side. How's that for stubborn?

As for a cat, it couldn't be just one for the sake of the cat, it would have to be two so they can keep each other company. And I have considered it, especially after seeing Nettie's and Warren's rescues.

But the fact still remains that, at the present time, with my immune system in a depleted/ lowered state, I shouldn't be caring for cats. I'm staying as far away from the catbox as possible. I'm learnig to wash my hands after "handling" the cats.

Now, I don't consider Ben's cats to be a big risk, but why push the envelope now?

Help me out here, Kris!

And Cuz, I'm glad to see that you still remember the "tail-wagging" emoticon, /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what you mean by "help you out here"., so I will simply write what occurs to me.
Mouse and Himmee have enough love and comfort to share with you now, despite their being Bens' cats. Ben will be at work a lot, and those two will be more than happy to be there with you, and so share their kitty lives.
As for the "germ" aspect, since your immune system is especially challenged right now, being very aware of hygiene and contamination is entirely appropriate. I would go so far as to suggest that you two invest in pethair rollers, like lint brushes, to reduce the amount of cat hair around, keep their dishes separate from yours, do not let them drink or eat from your dishes, and continue to wash your hands after handling them.
Yes, my gentle Fritz turned into a terribly frightening, aggressive whirlwind when he saw that poor, mad dog get close to his people.
He always did think that he was raising the kids with us, anyway. Remember when he would lean on Bens' legs to steer him around the back yard, always in the same safe area near the house?
I am refering to that place on McKinley where we were when Amy was born.
We used to go for walks with Ben holding Amy in the wagon, and Fritz as rear gaurd, sitting in the wagon too, right behind the kids. He was a joy to have. As were/are the kids, of course!
All mine,

-HB said...

Ben and I were discussing a cat-related issue today and I dug out the handout to refresh my memory. They state that if I were to elect to get a pet, it should be over one year old.

But, I AM at risk of developing "cat scratch fever" because of my severely immunosuppressed system. So, I'll stay away from litter boxes, feces, and kitty puke, and wash my hands after playing, petting, brushing, etc them.

Ben told me about an organism, he believes it to be the Toxoplasma gondii the article also mentions, that actually causes mice, when they get infected, not to fear cats. The cats eat the mice and the organism grows in the intestinal tract of the cat again. Talk about symbiosis!! Apparently, humans can catch it and not fear cats as well. But not to the same disadvantage as the mice. :-D

Unknown said...

Hey... I remember Fritz. What an incredible cat!! Funny that I was actually remembering just the other day (really!) the stories, Kris, of how he used to wait for you outside houses while you visited friends. What a special animal!!

And it was interesting to note that both Ben and Amy have become so loving with respect to animals, also. Is that a family trait? Mom, Hal, Cuzanne, me, Ben and Amy, and my kids also. I remember that mom used to keep us from going in the backyard until the "adopted" rabbit raised its young from the home it found within the safety of our fenced-in backyard.

Just thoughts from someone who needs to get some sleep.

Love you, my big brother!!