Thursday, August 30, 2007


Yup, still here. I almost forgot to post this morning. I was looking forward to mowing the lawn! It's getting kinda shaggy!

I have noticed that I have made mistakes while posting here. Most are simple typos or punctuation errors. But occasionally, I omitted information that is necessary to make my point. How do I handle these situations?

I decided that the typos and punctuation errors I would correct without calling attention to the matter.

The addition or deletion of text from previous posts will need to be handled a little differently. I will add a note to the bottom of the affected post stating that the post was changed. I will italicize the additions in the post as well. AND, in my daily post, I will make note that the previous post was changed.

Work for you?

Still 177, this AM. Feel pretty good. As I said, I'm looking forward to getting the lawn mowed. Then, given sufficient energy, I hope to work on the basement some more.

Thanks for the continued emails and support.


Ronny Finnerup said...

Someone finaly send me the link (remind me to kick that sister of yours), im glad to poke in and drop off my 2 cents.

-HB said...

Thanks for stopping by Ronnie. I look forward to your 2 cents.

I apologize for not including you in the original set of emails. I'm so used to thinking about only one computer in the household that I sometimes forget the spouses. That issue came up today and I wondered how things would work out.

Just don't kick Cuz too hard. Then she'll call me when she's crying and I have a hard time handling crying women.


Çuzanne Larson Malliett Finnerup said...

Hey I just got the link on the 30th and sent it to Ronny