Last Updated: 17 April 2008, 11:10PM
Since I find that this blog is being visited by the public-at-large, allow me to explain just a bit. I'm a 56-year-old esophageal cancer sufferer. I have been diagnosed as having “Invasive adenocarcinoma of the esophagus with metastasis to stomach and lymph nodes.” I've had 5 rounds of chemotherapy and have started radiation therapy.
This blog was started to keep friends and family updated as to what is going on in my life, how I feel, when my treatments are, etc.
It is also a diary, where I try to get rid of my frustrations by pouring my heart out into these "pages." So, if you choose to read a little, be prepared for some "belly-aching." Now, how's that for a pun? Especially since I have a tumor in my stomach?
If you got here from a link on Sunni Maravillosa's web site, you won't find a scholarly discourse on Liberty and Freedom. However, since I do believe in Liberty and Freedom, my beliefs do come out in my posts, as evidenced by the link at the bottom of this post. As I said, this is primarily a diary of my life. But feel free to stick aound and browse to your heart's content, if you have the time.
This schedule will remain at the top of my blog until further notice. Any NEW POSTS will appear directly below this one. Claro?
My Short Term Disability paperwork came back stating that they don't want me working at all. So I won't be working until after the surgery.
3/21/08 - 07:15AM I'm hoping that I go in for my last PET Scan today.
3/24/08 - 02:20PM Lab blood tests.
3/24/08 - 03:00PM Consult with Dr. Himmy about lab results and PET Scan results. I should find out what is in my future at the same time.
Since I'm not working, I deleted my work schedule for now.
Pain Meds Schedule:
Packer Candy – PC; Time Released – TR; Short Term - ST
Naproxen Sodium - NS
02 AM: PC-ST 5 mg.
06 AM: PC-ST 5 mg.
08 AM: NS 220 mg.
10 AM: PC-TR 20 mg, PC-ST 5 mg.
02 PM: PC-ST 5 mg.
06 PM: PC-ST 5 mg.
08 PM: NS 220 mg.
10 PM: PC-TR 20 mg, PC-ST 5 mg.None.
Blood Pressure:
Round 1
Round 2
- Aprepitant, anti-nausea.
- Aloxi, anti-emetic, IV use only!
Others, or as Needed:
- Protonix, proton-pump inhibitor.
- Dexamethasone, steroid to reduce fluid retention.
- Lomotil (Lonox), anti-diarrhea.
- Mannitol, diuretic/laxative?
- Neulasta, Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
- Lovenox, anticoagulant.
- Warfarin, anticoagulant.
- Mobic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory.
Need more info here, let me know, OK?
DPC - De Pere Clinic
VLCC - Vince Lombardi Cancer Center.
ABCMC - Aurora BayCare Medical Center
EGD - EsophagoGastroDuodenoscopy